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  • Hello,

    I'm quite new to Construct, but I'm experienced with GLSL and have been looking into developing effects for Construct.

    While I've been able to figure out how to make effects from examining .fx files and their corresponding XML files, one thing has been bugging me: From what I've figured out, Construct sends many uniforms to the shader, such as samplerFront, samplerBack and others.

    I've been able to figure out what many of these are from just trial and error, but it would be really helpful to have a reference for these. Unfortunately, I haven't veen able to find anything like that anywhere.

    Does anyone know if there is some kind of documentation on developing shaders for Construct?

  • Well, that's what I've been doing.

    The problem I have is actually that Construct sends many variables to the shader, including stuff like the image the effect is being applied to and the pixels it is overlapping, among others. Knowing which of those is what is required for the implementation of many effects, but it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.

    I'll try asking in the Effects forum, though. Thank you!

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  • Hello,

    I'm pretty new to Construct, but I'm quite experienced with GLSL. I'd like to make my own custom effects for Construct, but I can't seem to find a reference on the specific format required by the program, or the predefined variables that I can use, anywhere.

    I've tried searching the forums, checking the manual, the tutorials, the how-to list, but I can't find it! Could anyone help me?

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Member since 3 Sep, 2014

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