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  • I wanted to achieve something similar to this also. The closest I got to this was making all objects do the additive blend mode.

    And then over the whole screen, I added a dark blue film with about 50-100 alpha (for transparency).

  • There might be an easier way to do this via the behavior plugin, but I would create a code with something like this:

    This is optional but you can add a brightness effect to the wall and then replace opacity with brightness.

  • ...i get it...

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  • In C3 its called "Platform Info"

  • I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Don't you just put the display as "User "&computerUsername&" is on."? Can you go more in depth with your question?

  • Thanks for the info. Should I just used the construct's provided server then? Would that be reliable to run an IO game?

  • I don't know if there is a quicker way to do this, but I would make local variables on the event for each instance variable of the sprite. Then I would make the sprite spawn the sprite and make it set it's instance variables to the local variables.

  • All you have to do is right click the event and it will say Make OR Block. Don't right click the actual condition, right click the event.

  • I'm practically finished creating an online multiplayer game but I used the construct signalling server all this time. I want to use an independent one so I'm thinking of buying the signalling server code off the Scirra market. However, I don't fully understand what I need to do from there. How do I manipulate it to fit my game? And much more importantly, what do I do to activate it?

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