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  • Alright, I'll dig into this and see what I can make sense of.

    Thank you for the help ^^.

  • The title says it all ladies and gents.

    I want to create a level, say a giant space ship, with our character going up and down the spaceship. As they move through it, I want different things to be visible.

    Maybe this section is the control room, this is the living quarters, and over here is where we keep specimens from other planets. That type of thing.

    From what I've seen, it's possible to build all of these different platforms (the actual running and jumping, etc) but you have to have one background that moves with the player. Or you can create multiple levels, and each one gets a different background.. but neither of those is what I want to do.

    Is there a way I can go about doing what I want? Something with cameras, viewpoints or something?

    Many thanks.

  • I'm looking to create a match 3 game.

    While I've created one using tut, I found that's it's clunky and slow, once you get past a certain speed. While speed isn't too much of an issue given that the game will be level based, it is still a problem, especially with that many events, and things to be called.

    So I went hunting and through various bits of the internet and found the idea of using arrays to create a match 3 game. Several posts were here on the forums, although from so long ago, I didn't want to necro them looking for advice. Which led me to wonderful tut. Except... this one was abandoned after that first post.

    I refuse to give up though on my idea, so what I need to ask you wonderful people is:

    1. Can I combine the instructions from the first test (working solely by functions) into the concept of an array?

    2. Is there anything I can read to further explain what an array is and /how/ it can be applied, not merely theoretical as the manual is?

    3. If array's aren't possible, is there an option to replace checking 'every tick' for matches? I tried out several others, but they.. weren't possible.

    Many thanks.

  • > DuckfaceNinja- What I had intended to do was to use free version to create a demo, a "this is what the game is so far" along with screenshots of the rest of the work I'll have done, and doing a kickstarter in order to gain enough money to purchase the license, afterwards connecting the pieces of the code, into the full code and uploading from there.

    > I hope that's clearer, and still allowed?


    I believe this apply to number 2), if you're raising a fund for your license, this should be allowed, since your using it "just for show". However, might be best to email directly to Scirra support to get definite answer.

    Will do, thank you kindly.

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  • Thank you all for your responses.

    > Would it be possible to create a demo version of the game using the free version of Construct 2, and then after obtaining funds, creating the rest using the Personal License?


    I understand your statement in 2 ways:

    1) If you're getting funds using your game made with free license, you're not allowed, this is discussed recently.

    2) If your demo is only for show (i.e you want to show your demo to your sponsor), yes you can by uploading them to Scirra Arcade, or your own host. As long as you're not doing to make quick money or something.

    PS: The store is very useful if one doesn't have a fund to purchase C2 license, you can sell something there and use to fund your license. Cheers!

    DuckfaceNinja- What I had intended to do was to use free version to create a demo, a "this is what the game is so far" along with screenshots of the rest of the work I'll have done, and doing a kickstarter in order to gain enough money to purchase the license, afterwards connecting the pieces of the code, into the full code and uploading from there.

    I hope that's clearer, and still allowed?

    As to the store, do many people on site use it?

  • What I'm wanting to do is to create a multi-level match 3 game, something along the lines of Candy Crush or Farm Hero Saga, initially for Facebook, and then exporting to Android and iOS provided popularity and money.

    I've got the story planned out. I have the initial sketches for design. I have a basic match 3 system set up, and ideas to improve it.

    I've looked up tuts covering everything except Monetization for in-app purchases and how that works (primarily due to not being able to find it yet) and creating custom buttons (although I do have an idea there.)

    What I need to know is this, is this harebrained scheme even possible?

    Would it be possible to create a demo version of the game using the free version of Construct 2, and then after obtaining funds, creating the rest using the Personal License?

    (Or creating it in a series of different files and then piecing them all together after obtain the Personal License, since I doubt I'll want to stop after getting the demo finished.

    Many thanks for any and all help.

  • Ah, thank you. I must have missed that when I was looking through the file. ^^;

  • I understand that reading the manual is a great idea. In fact, that's what I want to do.

    However, if I try to unpack what is downloaded from the site, I get a bunch of disconnected files that don't seem to be able to work together.

    Is there another version I can download, maybe an epub I can read and take notes on when I'm in between classes?

    Many thanks for any help.


  • Blackhornet- Is that in the full version or just the basic? I have a brand new facebook template open, and looking at the option to add objects, I don't see an option to create a mouse object, nor to add new objects. I actually don't see any of the control options at all, which is a little odd. However in a plain project, the options show.

    Mr E Bear, thank you.

  • I started creating a match 3 game, using the "Facebook" template, since that's where I want to upload it to.

    However, it doesn't have a 'mouse' object option. This is sort of mandatory for a match 3.

    So, since I don't want to lose all of the work that I did, how can I copy everything I have, into a different template?

    If it matters, I'm using the free version.

    Thanks in advance,


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