Using the Facebook 2.0 plugin

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Published on 3 Aug, 2014. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

User Info Plugin

The user information plugin allows you to fetch a host of information on a particular user. No particular permissions is required.


1: In the Construct 2 window right click your mouse and select "Insert new object"

2: Select "FB User Info" to add it to your application. If for whatever reason, you need to perform this action multiple times at once you can add multiple copies of this object.

3: Now let's fetch some user information. Go into the event sheet and add a trigger once along with a While logged in(condition available in the base login plugin).

4: Let's fetch some info. Please add the action "Get App User Info". UserID can be "me" for the current user or set to a friends app userID. Access token can be pulled from the base login plugin as an expression.

5: Now watch the on success and on failure triggers. If a success has triggered you can acess the many expressions from age range to Username, to profile picture, to significant other. There are many, many expressions to visit.

If an on failure fires, then your access token is probably not valid, you triggered the event before Facebook loaded, or the Facebook servers are having issues.


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