Using the Facebook 2.0 plugin



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Published on 3 Aug, 2014. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Base Login Unit

Every plugin that you use of mine for the Facebook platform will require the Base/Login unit called "Facebook Control" under the Facebook category.

You could actually build your own plugin off of this base unit or utilize the Ajax plugin to call your own Facebook actions on the Graph API. It's very versatile.

Login Action

You call this action to log a user into your application.

Re Request permissions - Set to yes if you want to ask a user to grant you a permission they have already denied.

Page Access - Do you want to ask a user permission to access a Facebook page?

Page ID's - A comman seperated list of Facebook page ID's that a user can grant permission to.

Logout Action

Logs a user out of Facebook.


"While Logged in" is an invertible condition. If you want to ensure a user is logged in before an action is run, include this looping condition. Invert to ensure the user is logged out before using the actions.

"Facebook Loaded" Triggers once the Facebook API has been added to your application. You cannot call Facebook functions prior to this.

"Logged In" Triggers once the user has logged in. Also triggers if the user is still logged in when the app starts.

"Logged Out" Triggers once the user has logged out. Also triggers if the user is still logged out when the app starts.


"Access_Token" Will be assigned to a user upon logging in. All calls to Facebook will use this expression.

"App_ID" The application ID from the plugin properties. Will be used for many of the calls to the Facebook API.

"Browser_Language" The language code a user is reporting in this browser.

"Facebook Language" The language code Facebook is logged in with.

"Requested_Permissions" The list of permissions you asked a user for at login

"Signed_Request" Included for developers, not useful for most users. Contains information regarding the user session.

"Token_Expires" The access token expires in this many seconds. You will need to call login if the token expires.

"User_Granted_Permissions" When a login action is complete, this will be a comma separated list of permissions the user actually granted.

"User_ID" The application specific ID assigned to this user for Facebook calls.

"User_Status" A text representation of the users logged in status.


"API Expires" Facebook only guarantees an API version for 2 years. This read only property represents the guaranteed use by date for this API.

"App ID" The developer ID for this application.

App Secret" Useful only on apps where you know the users cannot access this variable or you completely trust the users. Do not use in most situations"Leave Blank"

"Language" Can either be set to a specific language or "auto" to use the browsers native language. This governs how Facebook interactions read. Setting to Pirate for example might change login to "Board ye book-o-faces"

"Cookie" Set to yes if you want to maintain a server cookie to access via server programming.

"Status" Set to yes. This forces the app to fetch the users login status as soon as possible.

"Frictionless requests" This improves dialogs for users when selecting friends to tag, include..... Set to yes unless you have a reason to set this to no. "If you are unsure then you don't have a reason :)"

"Version" The version of the Facebook API that we are using.

"XFbml" This is automatically set to yes. We use this when creating social boxes such as a like button.

"The rest" are all of the permissions that you can ask a user to grant.

"Perm: Extras" A comma separated list of non standard permissions to ask for. If you don't know then leave this blank.


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