Physics Revolute Joints - Monkey Jump Tutorial

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Published on 27 Aug, 2012. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Continuing with the Monkey Sprite Setup

30. In the Properties window, rename the sprite to Body and Add the following three behaviours (Physics, ScrollTo and BoundToLayout), then make the appropriate changes to the Physics and the BoundToLayout behaviours:

31. Add the Monkey Head sprite as follows:

32. Double click on the Layout 1 window > double click sprite > click once on Layout 1 > open > double click on the Head image

33. Create two image points as follows:

• Origin (0) – positioned in the centre of the head

• HeadTop (1) – positioned at the top of the head

34. Close the Edit image window.

35. Rename the sprite to Head, add the Physics behaviour and make the appropriate adjustments in the Properties panel:

36. Position the monkey’s head on top of its body and place the poor monkey so that it is sitting on the branch of the first tree.

37. Save your changes.

38. Continue adding the arms/legs/tail sprites for the monkey as follows:

39. Save your game and run the layout – you will see some strange things happening – the monkey just explodes! Not quite what we want. We can solve this problem by adding Events and Actions on the Event Sheet 1.

40. Close the browser and return to your Layout.


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