Learn game development and animations with Construct
Este pequeño tutorial va dirigido a que publiques tú primer juego. Ahora que he terminado el juego (idea, diseño, código y música ) . ¡ ya soy rico !, me retiro...
Let’s create game entirely using PHYSICS movements. We'll not use sprites behaviour like Bullets or Player movement in Platform or 8 directions. This game will...
Esse é uma tradução do tutorial original escrito em inglês, mantive fiel o texto, só adequando para o português do Brasil. Espero que ajude a todos. Aplicativos...
Ich habe ein vorhandenes Game mit Construct 2 rekreiert und möchte meine alte APK I'm PlayStore ersetzen. - Ich möchte eine Android APK erstellen und Crosswalk...
I rebuild my game with Construct 2, now I want to replace my old APK in the play-store with my Construct 2 app. - I want to get an Android APK run and set up wi...
It's really easy to do this, but I thought it'd be helpful to some people? You need the "Litetween" behavior in order to open the .Capx file. If you don't know...
HTML5 games exported by default by Construct 2 are relatively small. Yet, for users with a limited internet connection, downloading all of the game’s assets can...
I like to share some code to implement a Mobile KeyBoard and a Hall of Fame for usage in your own mobile games. I will attach all necessary (zipped) files (.Cap...
This Is'nt intended to be an end-all-be-all for WebStorage use. I am writting this because I spent over an hour last night trying to figure out how to make my a...