Mobile KeyBoard and Hall of Fame for all Mobile Devices

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Published on 1 Sep, 2014. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

I like to share some code to implement a Mobile KeyBoard and a Hall of Fame for usage in your own mobile games. I will attach all necessary (zipped) files (.capx, .php and .sql) you need to get started...

You can use the KeyBoard on all Mobile Devices, by using the Safe Zone it will be displayed at the right position on all Devices. When you read the Safe Zone article you get a good understanding of writing just one App that will display properly on all Mobile Devices...

There is a small video on YouTube to see the whole project in action...

On the next pages I will tell you more about the DataBase and some Events to make things clear but I start with some pics so you can see the purpose of this Tutorial. We start entering the Hall of Fame with a Score of 19 points...

Lets assume you pressed the Increase button twice, followed by pressing the Done button. Some things changed, The Color is changed to Blue, the Degree is changed to Kyu 4, the Karateka with the Blue Belt is "active" and the Mobile KeyBoard has slided smoothly in from below...

You can enter your name (max. 12 characters) with Capitals or Digits if you like and some Symbols. When finished, press the Return Key...

When the Return Key is pressed, your Name and Score are saved to the DataBase. When your Name and Score are saved, the DB is loaded again to refresh the Hall of Fame immediately and your Name and Score are visible...

On the next page you can read some details about the DataBase...


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