Learn game development and animations with Construct
The topics I discuss in this tutorial may have been covered in part by other tutorials but this is from my own view point, as a player and a creator. This is th...
Today I will talk about the most lightweight method to draw sprites. Some well-painted on a sheet of paper than on a computer. This method is most suitable for...
Hledal jsem nějaký tutorial na žebříky, ale žádný jsem nenašel. Tak jsem se rozhodl napsat vlastní! Vezmeme to postupně, nejdřív vytvořte jednoduchý level s cho...
Pro rychlou orientaci, kterou licenci máte použít, můžete použít naši pomůcku "Kterou licenci potřebuji" . Celý popis licencí, které nabízíme, následuje níže. C...
Este tutorial tem a intenção de atualizar você com todas as informações e links que você irá precisar para começar a usar os arquivos do Spriter no Construct 2....
I have create 360 view of object (bike) to make it 3D by using Slider. Attaching the capx file. Enjoy, Jatin.
I have created a falling objects game with random objects falling and different scores on tap each objects. I am attaching capx file. I created this game for a...
I have created a raw/sample game inspired by Subway surfer. It is available on Scirra store now. Please guys go ahead and feel free to improvise it. Play it her...
Crosswalk issue: User is unable to toggle sound if he exported via crosswalk. In this scenario sound toggle doesn't work at all. Intel is working on to fix this...