Learn game development and animations with Construct
I came up with a simple system that allows the player to see further in front of them by holding shift down, centering the camera between the player's position...
Criar jogos para iPhone ou iPad é fácil com Construct 2 . Se você ainda não, baixou a versão Grátis vá e comece com o Guia para Iniciantes ! Nota o termo iOS é...
Jump on the walls like a frog, the capx download and enjoy.
In last week’s tutorial, I showed you how to draw game assets starting with outlines. That’s both a powerful and a very common approach to drawing game assets....
هذا البرنامج التعليمي هو مقدمة أساسية جدا في الزوايا والتناوب وكيفية عملها لجعل الألعاب تعمل. وهو جزء من السلسلة الأساسية أكتب إليكم لمساعدة المبتدئين على تعلم...
Game Jolt est un site hébergeur de jeux "indés". Le site propose de partager un revenu via les pubs (30% des revenus générés par le traffic sur la page de votre...
I tend to come across people asking about doing a wrapping background, a lot of times they're given an answer to achieving this but I personally feel there are...
This is the second episode of How to game art. In the previous game art tutorial, I talked about techniques you can use to maintain precise silhouettes for your...
Ok I have put together a capx to show how you can fake 3d, with scale. I hope this can be of help to anyone who is interested in this kind of effect. If you fin...