How to game art #3 – Drawing with selections in Photoshop

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Published on 20 Mar, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

In last week’s tutorial, I showed you how to draw game assets starting with outlines. That’s both a powerful and a very common approach to drawing game assets.

But there is another way. Instead of using strokes, we can directly draw with shapes.

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The idea behind this technique is that we are going to play with our assets’ shapes or silhouettes right away. This is an approach that concept artists love to use. It is a great way to generate very strong silhouettes and poses fast.

There are 3 types of tools we can use to create our game assets using shapes:

1. Selection tools. In particular the lasso selection.

2. Brushes. That is probably the one tool concept artists use the most.

3. And custom shapes or stencils.

In today’s video, we are going to see how we can use selection tools to make art.

Tutorial outline

1. Why selections?

2. Using the lasso tool (Default shortcut: L)

3. Using the polygonal lasso

4. Freehand selections with the polygonal lasso

5. Adding, subtracting and intersecting selections (Shortcuts: respectively keep Shift, Alt, or Shift + Alt down with a selection tool)

It is hard to work with selections at first. In particular if you don’t have a background in painting. So if you want to try it, give it some time! What matters the most is that you take your time and enjoy the process.

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That’s it for this tutorial! If you liked that article/video and want to see more, please become a subscriber on Youtube (new video every week!). You can become a supporter on twitter, facebook or Google Plus ! Thank you (★^O^★) !


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