Before we add more oxoSquare, first we need to create 3 INSTANCE VARIABLES therefore create 3 instance variables and name it:
1. xPostion = 0
2. yPostion = 0
3. playerNumber = 0
Now using CTRL drag and drop oxoSquare on Sprite_Squre nine times so it looks like below:
As we already have Array assign for this function we have to give each oxoSquare Instance Variable, which means CELL 1 will have xPostion = 0, yPostion = 0, PlayerNumer = 0 and next cell shown in picture is 1, 0, 0 and so on
xPostion = 0 xPostion = 1 xPostion = 2
yPostion = 0 yPostion = 0 yPostion = 0
PlayerNumer = 0 PlayerNumer = 0 PlayerNumer = 0
xPostion = 0 xPostion = 1 xPostion = 2
yPostion = 1 yPostion = 1 yPostion =1
PlayerNumer = 0 PlayerNumer = 0 PlayerNumer = 0
xPostion = 0 xPostion = 1 xPostion = 2
yPostion = 2 yPostion = 2 yPostion = 2
PlayerNumer = 0 PlayerNumer = 0 PlayerNumer = 0
Now lock this layer and unlock layer Square Grid, create sprite with 2 frames name it oxoScore
create sprite with 3 frames.
This is BLANK frame