Noughts & Crosses tutorial

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Published on 30 Oct, 2016. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Noughts & Crosses by Lord Shiva

Has anyone bothers to check SCIRRA tutorial forum, you will always find someone to help and also all type of Construct 2 tutorials. If one cannot find what they were looking for then only choice left is to send someone email and ask for tutorial on all manners of tutorials. Sometimes I ignore and do not pay any attention to it, but it’s in my nature sometime I just help out. And I also make sure that whatever subject I am teaching it is not for one person but, anyone who is interested. Ok let’s start our tutorial:

First open Construct 2 and create new project. For this project choose new empty HD landscape 1080p.

1. Set layout size to 1920, 1080

2. Windows size 1920, 1080

3. Save it as Noughts & Crosses

Feel in all this on our property

Create 2 Event Sheet

1. Game Event

2. Main Event

Also create 4 layers

1. Background

2. OXO Grid

3. Square Grid

4. HUD

Create sprite name it Background, any colour you wish, make sprite Background bit bigger then layout. My Background size is:

Background size 1984, 1184

Now lock the Background layer so we will not mess anything up.

Before we go any further we should add Plugin Mouse, Touch, Keyboard, Audio and Browser as well.

I must warn you I am not here to teach anyone about ARRAY, how to use it? How to manipulate or control it? If you wish to learn more about ARRAY then many tutorials on Google, Scirra as well. Below are addresses of sites on Scirra. by ramones by myself by EncryptedCow by Charlie Marcom by hielo777


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