Music Player MP3



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Published on 3 Aug, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Now place the CD on Record so it will look like below

Set CD to Invisible and add rotate behaviour, set speed to 90

Now on player object add these objects below:

1. List

2. File Chooser

3. Textbox name it Song_Name and place it at top

4. Video

5. Textbox name it durationTime and place it under Video

6. Slider Bar

7. Some buttons below

We will name these buttons as from left to right:

1. BackButton

2. Rewindbutton

3. Play

4. Pause

5. fastForward

6. ForwardButton

Your layout screen looks like below;

Now once you add this your screen layout should look like below

Now we have to modify property for our textbox and List and so on

1. List as just name it List

2. File Chooser as Picksong

3. Top textbox as Song_Name

4. Video

5. TimeBar

Now for property changes for List nothing to change

File chooser change property below


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