Effective Game Music

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Published on 10 Jul, 2013. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

2nd Edition, Abridged

Game music comes in all shapes and sizes, be it orchestral or 8-bit or dubstep or whatever genre you want; short loops, long pieces, or even ambient pieces created completely by music cues within the game. Regardless, music is the one thing in games that always has a profound yet often unrecognized affect on the player. It is very important that the music you choose for your game fits the levels and creates a sense of continuity, motion, and emotion. Conflicting or poorly designed music will detract from your game in the subconscious of the player, even if they don't notice such... even to the point where they stop playing because they don't feel the attachment the game needs to generate to keep them playing.

Thanks to the wonders of rapidly advancing network and computer power, now more than ever is it possible to have a rich, high-quality custom score to a game, even online games. This, combined with the emergence of young developers, mainly in the Indie world, who focus on making games that are less about tradition and more about being to their own liking, has created an ongoing emergence of games with increasingly more unique and creative scores.

This guide will walk you through the process of finding, selecting, adding, and working with music in game making programs in general.

Information on using music assets in Construct 2 specifically is best found in the relevant Manual material here.

Content from this guide is adapted from my upcoming website "A Guide to the Orchestra".


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