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While OR?
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The Players should have a position not overlapping each other OR overlapping Solids. Why doesnt that work? Thank you very much :-).

posted 4 years ago
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What am I doing wrong? (Inventory System)
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I'm working on an inventory system and for some reason it's not updating the slots. I "pick" a item from other layout, set the key "PickedItem" in a Dictionary...

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How do I numerically sort an array?
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An array creates a number of X elements and gets them filled with different numerical values. I'm trying to set up a for-each loop that compares the current val...

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How do I use while corrcetly?
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My while loop never ends so I am clearly doing something wrong, but I don't understand what. It doesnt even end when I call the system expression stop loop. It...

posted 3 years ago

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