Content tagged player-movement

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I want the player mark a place and then go there. I have some images to explain better.

posted 5 years ago
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Player box and sprite
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A common design pattern seems to be creating a player box sprite which is moved around in the usual way, and then creating a separate player animation sprite wh...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I stop jittering when object reaches mouse?
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First time poster, so I apologize if my formatting is a bit off - been using Construct 3 for about 2 and a half months now; Long story short, I'm making a verti...

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How do I get my player instead of the enemy to move?
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My player in the layout "level 2 start". Is'nt moving, but the enemy is. My player is on the top left platform. I appreciate any help you can give!

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