Forum Topics tagged optimisation

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21 forum topics with this tag
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When the scene is beginning, my game runs slowly for 2-3 seconds and then it runs fluidly. I'd like to know the reason of this. Is there a way to optimize Const...

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Memory Usage Question
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My project has a sprite that has approximately 4 megabytes worth of images for its various animation frames. Four hundred 160x160 PNGs. Removing that sprite fro...

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Which variant is better for the PERFORMANCE? see inside
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Hey there! I wanted to know which formation of the event sheet is better for the game performance? I asume that Variant 1 is slightly better, since it does the...

  • 5 replies

Hey, I am currently working on a project and I have a mechanic which requires me to spawn a lot of object at once (360 to be exact). It's becoming quite expensi...

posted 2 years ago
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I'm new to C3 and I have been reading a lot of posts and tutorials on optimising memory usage and performance and I wanted to get some opinions or guidance on b...

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For those who know a bit Construct 3, I was wondering what you think about using it for a bullet hell game (with tons of sprites on the screen, and collision ma...

posted 2 years ago
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Is it normal my CPU is this high?
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I'm about to make a quick topic since it's over 6AM here but I'm testing my game and I want to optimize it however I can. A premise: Yes, I have read all the ar...

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How do I write this better?
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I am trying to understand arrays and functions. I have no prior programming knowledge, but I think I get the gist. In this instance, I want to create a very bas...

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HOW? Memory optimization for mobile devices. Need Help!
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And so friends, I decided to go into my old project and try to revive it. It was made quite a long time ago, so there were big problems with optimization. I hav...

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Why do my sprites take more memory than they should?
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My current project is using many sprites and I just realised the estimated memory usage in my largest layout is very high (4.2 GB) and my computer has a hard ti...

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