How do I write this better?

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  • Hi all,

    I am trying to understand arrays and functions. I have no prior programming knowledge, but I think I get the gist.

    In this instance, I want to create a very basic menu for a building game. The idea is to click on a plot of land (the signpost sprite) which will bring up a building menu, giving one options of what to build on that plot.

    I have written a simple code to get that to work, which it does. I have added an array and a function, but to be honest, I think I could have managed without them also..

    Can someone please have a look at the attached project; the question is this: How could I have written this better? Is this how (simple) arrays are supposed to be used?

    There are some other things in the project, please don't mind them. Everything I want looked at is in the "hud and menu event sheet".

    Thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to look this over!


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  • for some reason it wouldnt open

  • interesting..

    I have checked the file to make sure there's no issues with it, and have re-uploaded here

    hopefully you'd be able to open it this time :)

    Thanks in advance!

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