Content tagged event-sheet

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I've been trying to keep myself within the bounds of the 50 free events for my first endeavor into Construct 3, but with my collision events, that doesn't seem...

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Gamepad support in script-based project
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Can anyone offer advice on using gamepads in a script-based project? I understand it's necessary to use an event sheet because the Gamepad plugin isn't accessib...

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When creating conditions in the event sheet, is there a way to change the name of the variable that an object binds to? I want to access instance variables of t...

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How do I check if certain object exists?
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I have an object instance with variables X = 0 and Y = 0. I need to check if instance with variables X = 1 and Y = 2 exists to fire a function. How can I do thi...

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Has anyone tried adding emojis in event sheet names?
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This might sound silly, but it helps me organize and spot the event names much faster—in the project window, and as tabs. There's only so many colors I can use...

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How to use "imports for events" with Typescript?
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I'm using beta version 363, and I'm very pleased with TypeScript support. However, I'm having difficulties importing scripts with the "purpose: Imports for even...

posted 8 months ago
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Having trouble with SpriteFont in Event Sheet
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So, I spawn the SpriteFont to X, Y. I then Set the Text to "Fish". I then set all the width parameters for all the characters. But no, i'm still getting a jumbl...

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Which one is more efficient?
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I want to create outfit sprites attached to the characters and adjust the animations accordingly. In your opinion, which one is more efficient? From the followi...

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How do I manage events across multiple layouts?
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I am new to Construct 3 and I am just getting to grips with it. I have a good idea about the functionality of my game, but I am struggling to work out the best...

posted 3 months ago