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Multiple click events when I mouse click just once?
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When I try to mute the song and click on the mute button, I get multiple click events. The same is when I submit the score at the end of the game. On one button...

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I'm stuggling to make a bunch of the same object to move to a specific target when a condition is met (or a button is clicked), one by one . That is, when click...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I align the objects I've created?
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When I click/touch somewhere I want to create an object. However, these objects have to be aligned with each other. How can I do that? I prepared a gif file as...

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Not sure whether this is a bug or a feature :-) but it makes my game not working as expected. When having. * two or more instances of. * the same object type. *...

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How do I add a click event to non-button object?
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For example to sprite or SVG?

posted 3 years ago
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How do I get clicked instance variable value?
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I have 10 same sprites, some with same value of variable "Name" (string), and some with different value. I need to get "Name" of clicked sprite to change all sp...

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How do I make it so that you can tick off boxes?
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I have several spites, and I'm hoping to make it so you can click on them (or tap them) and a tick sprite will appear in the corner of the sprite.

posted 2 years ago
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How to simulate MouseEvent click?
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Document.GetElementsByTagName('canvas') .DispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click", {clientX: 100, clientY: 200})); To simulate mouse input, but it Is'nt working. It...

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I have 2 objects on different layers. These objects are sprites and lets say they've a circular shape. They partially intersect and so the player clearly see th...

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How do I get an multitouch at PC?
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I know, multi-touch works on mobile. All works fine. But how can I get it on PC? 1. I have one projector. 2. I have a game at the wall. 3. I can manipulate only...

posted 1 years ago

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