View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.
New examples 'Checkmate puzzle', 'Simple snake'
Flowcharts: support cut/copy/paste of outputs
New examples 'Dig the way', 'Hexagonal movement'
Flowcharts: show properties for individual outputs in the Properties Bar
System condition 'Pick by highest/lowest value'
System expression 'StringSub'
Mouse: add support for button 4 and 5
Flowcharts: allow forming circular structures
Flowcharts: option to choose pathfinding to draw links between nodes
Flowcharts: option to set different colors for the links
Flowcharts: animate links when selecting nodes or outputs
Flowcharts: add context menu option to go to the corresponding flowchart from a referenece node
New example 'Robotic loader animation'
3 new examples using the BBC micro:bit
New examples 'Balloon blower', 'Memory cube'
Follow behavior: 'from current position' mode for starting following
Sprite: actions to add/remove animations/frames
New examples 'Layout transition', 'Wood chopping'
Flowcharts: new 'Flowchart reference' node to link different flowcharts together
Tween behaviour: 'Is ping-pong' condition
Tween behaviour: 'PlaybackRate' expression
New examples 'Cell linking', 'Simple synth', 'Tower climbing'
Platform Info: expressions 'FramesPerSecond' and 'TicksPerSecond'
4 new examples for the 'Follow' behavior
Tween behavior: add loop and ping-pong triggers
System 'Set framerate mode' action
Animations editor: new 'Miscellaneous settings' dialog
New examples 'Catch-up time', 'Fruit merger', 'Pixel data reader', 'Traffic jam'
Animations editor: setting to use the file name for created animation name
New examples 'Chess board designer', 'Classic raycaster', 'Family tree'
Project Bar: 'Screenshot' image purpose under 'Icons & screenshots'
Context menu option for Tilemap instances to open Tilemap bar
Find All References: 'Show ambiguous' setting
Timer behavior: 'Pause/resume all timers' action
Touch: start/end parameter for 'On touched object'
ShadowLight: 'Set light position' action
Sprite: allow passing tag to 'Set repeat-to frame'
Add autocomplete for animation frame tags in relevant Sprite conditions/actions
WebGPU: support for GPU profiling
Debugger: add 'Self time' column to GPU profiler
New examples 'Morph runner' and 'Tile matcher'
Sprite: allow passing tag for 'Set animation frame' action
Add 'Get addons' link when adding object/behavior/effect
Flowcharts: add a rectangle selection tool to select multiple nodes
Flowcharts: clone nodes by Ctrl/Meta + drag
'Debug project' option for main toolbar preview button
Physics: 'Set awake' action
Flowcharts: support cut/copy/paste for nodes
Flowcharts: support moving multiple nodes with multi-selection
Option to change what the main "Preview" button does
3D Camera: LookVectorX/Y/Z expressions
Flowcharts: hold shift to select multiple flowchart elements
Flowcharts: delete current selection by context menu/delete key
SpriteFont: support all the same CSS color strings as Text (e.g. "red")
Text: add support for 'outlineback' BBcode tag
Flowchart controller: loop condition & expressions to iterate outputs
Flowcharts: save and restore state with savegames
Flowchart view: add preview of the selected node at bottom of view
Flowcharts: add/remove node outputs from the Properties bar