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Manage ads (banners, rewarded video), player account, payments, metrics in Yandex Games. (Supports C2 Runtime).
Finite State Machine behaviour (with configurable transitions)
Native ads, payments, leaderboards, achievements, authorization and cloud save, analytics, invites, chats, languages and more. One SDK for many popular platforms. Check out for more info.
[FREE BASIC] The Construct addon to extend the built-in Construct 3 Facebook plugin.
Procedural cloud generation effect. Ported from the 'Dissecting Tiny Clouds' blog post (see documentation for link.)
Create a colored drop shadow
A Construct 3 plugin to connect an LMS running Scorm 1.2 or Scorm 2004 and get/send statements.
Smaller GUI and extra space on screen, Color Coded Eventsheet, and soothing dark colors
A translation plugin for Construct 3 built on top of i18next.
This plugin could wait events raised. For example, there are two instances which move to target position by MoveTo behavior, user might want to wait them all for hitting target position.
Roll n-sided die with custom unequal chances for the sides. (With C3 runtime support)
Construct's dark mode merged with an beautiful combination of blue and dark blue. The editor will have an overall blue look. For anything, contact me on Discord: Mur#1111
Makes the built-in Audio plugin play from URL
The Tick addon allows the game engine to run an event in an interval greater than a tick, efficiently.
Allows you to add support for Inklestudio's Ink language