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Addon ID

  • wortal



  • Download count41 total downloads
  • Latest download count 9 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

Achievement API

  • Actions

    Get Achievements

    Gets the achievements the player has earned.

    Unlock Achievement {0}

    Unlocks an achievement for the player.

  • Conditions

    Get Achievements Callback

    Called when the achievements get achievements promise has resolved.

    Unlock Achievement Callback

    Called when the achievements unlock achievement promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns a JSON string with the achievements the player has earned.


    Returns the result of the UnlockAchievementAsync call.


  • Actions

    Show Interstitial {0} {1}

    Shows an interstitial ad.

    Show Rewarded {0}

    Shows a rewarded ad.

    Show Banner {0} {1}

    Shows a banner ad.

  • Conditions

    Before Ad Callback

    Called when an ad is returned. Pause the game here.

    After Ad Callback

    Called when the ad event is finished. Resume the game here.

    Ad Dismissed Callback

    Called when a rewarded ad was skipped. Do not reward the player.

    Ad Viewed Callback

    Called when a rewarded ad was watched fully. Reward the player here.

    Ad No Fill Callback

    Called when an ad was not filled. Resume the game here.

  • Expressions


    Returns whether or not ads are blocked on the current platform. 0 for false, 1 for true.


    Returns whether the ad is enabled or not in the current session, 0 when it is not and 1 when it is active.

Analytics API

  • Actions

    Log Level Start {0}

    Logs the start of the level.

    Log Level End {0} {1} {2}

    Logs the end of the level.

    Log Level Up {0}

    Logs the player achieving a level up.

    Log Score {0}

    Logs the player's score.

    Log Tutorial Start {0}

    Logs the start of the tutorial.

    Log Tutorial End {0} {1}

    Logs the end of the tutorial.

    Log Game Choice {0} {1}

    Logs a choice the player made in the game.

    Log Social Invite {0}

    Logs an invite that the player sent to friends.

    Log Social Share {0}

    Logs a social share that the player sent to friends.

    Log Purchase {0} {1}

    Logs a purchase the player made in the game.

    Log Purchase Subscription {0} {1}

    Logs a subscription purchase the player made in the game.

Context API

  • Actions

    Get ID

    Gets the ID of the current context, if one exists.

    Get Type

    Gets the type of the current context.

    Get Players Async

    Gets the players in the current context.

    Invite Async {0}

    Invites friends to play the game.

    Share Async {0}

    Shares a message to the player's friends. Will trigger a UI for the player to choose which friends to share with.

    Share Link Async {0}

    Shares a link to the player's friends. Will trigger a UI for the player to choose which friends to share with.

    Update Async {0}

    Posts an update to the current context. Will send a message to the chat thread of the current context.

    Choose Async {0}

    Opens the platform UI to select friends to invite and play with.

    Switch Async {0}

    Switches the current context to the context with the given ID.

    Create Async {0}

    Creates a context with the given player ID.

    Is Size Between {0} {1}

    Checks if the size of the current context is between two values.

  • Conditions

    Context ID Set

    Called when a new context ID has been set.

    Context Type Set

    Called when a new context type has been set.

    Get Players Callback

    Called when the context get players promise has resolved.

    Invite Callback

    Called when the context invite promise has resolved.

    Share Callback

    Called when the context share promise has resolved.

    Share Link Callback

    Called when the context share link promise has resolved.

    Update Callback

    Called when the context update promise has resolved.

    Choose Callback

    Called when the context choose promise has resolved.

    Switch Callback

    Called when the context switch promise has resolved.

    Create Callback

    Called when the context create promise has resolved.

    Context Size Response Set

    Called when a new context size response has been set.

  • Expressions


    Returns the ID of the current context, if one exists. Otherwise returns null.


    Returns the type of the current context.


    Returns a JSON string with the players returned from GetPlayersAsync.


    Returns the number of friends the content was shared with.


    Returns the response of a isSizeBetween check.

In-App Purchasing API

  • Actions

    Get Catalog Async

    Gets the catalog of available products the player can purchase.

    Get Purchases Async

    Gets the purchases the player has made that have not yet been consumed. Purchase signature should be validated on the game developer's server or transaction database before provisioning the purchase to the player.

    Make Purchase Async {0}

    Attempts to make a purchase of the given product. Will launch the native IAP screen and return the result.

    Consume Purchase Async {0}

    Consumes the given purchase. This will remove the purchase from the player's available purchases inventory and reset its availability in the catalog.

  • Conditions

    Get Catalog Callback

    Called when the IAP get catalog promise has resolved.

    Get Purchases Callback

    Called when the IAP get purchases promise has resolved.

    Make Purchase Callback

    Called when the IAP make purchase promise has resolved.

    Consume Purchase Callback

    Called when the IAP consume purchase promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns whether or not IAP is currently enabled. 0 for false, 1 for true.


    Returns a JSON string with the product catalog. Returns an empty string if no purchases are available.


    Returns a JSON string with the purchases the player has made.


    Returns a JSON string with the purchase receipt for the most recent purchase.

Leaderboard API

  • Actions

    Get Leaderboard Async {0}

    Gets the leaderboard with the given name. Access the leaderboard API via the Leaderboard returned here.

    Send Entry Async {0} {1} {2}

    Sends an entry to be added to the leaderboard, or updated if already existing. Will only update if the score is a higher than the player's previous entry.

    Get Entries Async {0} {1} {2}

    Gets a list of leaderboard entries in the leaderboard.

    Get Player Entry Async {0}

    Gets the player's entry in the leaderboard.

    Get Entry Count Async {0}

    Gets the total number of entries in the leaderboard.

    Get Connected Players Entries Async {0} {1} {2}

    Gets a list of leaderboard entries of connected players in the leaderboard.

  • Conditions

    Get Leaderboard Callback

    Called when the get leaderboard promise has resolved.

    Send Entry Callback

    Called when the leaderboard send entry promise has resolved.

    Get Entries Callback

    Called when the leaderboard get entries promise has resolved.

    Get Player Entry Callback

    Called when the leaderboard get player entry promise has resolved.

    Get Entry Count Callback

    Called when the leaderboard get entry count promise has resolved.

    Get Connected Players Entries Callback

    Called when the leaderboard get connected players entries promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns a JSON string with the current leaderboard.


    Returns a JSON string with the entry returned from SendEntryAsync.


    Returns a JSON string with the entries returned from GetEntriesAsync.


    Returns a JSON string with the player's entry in the given leaderboard.


    Returns the number of entries in the given leaderboard.


    Returns a JSON string with the entries returned from GetConnectedPlayersEntriesAsync.

Notifications API

  • Actions

    Schedule Async {0}

    Schedules a notification to be delivered to the player at the given time.

    Get History Async

    Gets a list of all notifications scheduled for the player over the last 30 days.

    Cancel Async {0}

    Cancels a notification that has been scheduled for the player.

    Cancel All Async {0}

    Cancels all notifications that have been scheduled for the player.

  • Conditions

    Schedule Callback

    Called when the notifications schedule promise has resolved.

    Get History Callback

    Called when the notifications get history promise has resolved.

    Cancel Callback

    Called when the notifications cancel promise has resolved.

    Cancel All Callback

    Called when the notifications cancel all promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns a JSON string with the result of the ScheduleAsync call.


    Returns a JSON string with an array of the scheduled notifications.


    Returns whether or not the cancel was successful. 0 for false, 1 for true.


    Returns whether or not the cancel was successful. 0 for false, 1 for true.

Player API

  • Actions

    Get Data Async {0}

    Gets the game data with the specific keys from the platform's storage.

    Set Data Async {0}

    Uploads game data to the platform's storage. Max size is 1MB.

    Flush Data Async

    Flushes any unsaved data to the platform's storage.

    Get Connected Players Async {0}

    Gets the friends of the player who have also played this game before.

    Get Signed Player Info Async

    Gets a signed player object that includes the player ID and signature for validation. This can be used to send something to a backend server for validation, such as game or purchase data.

    Get ASID Async

    A unique identifier for the player. This is the standard Facebook Application-Scoped ID which is used for all Graph API calls. If your game shares an AppID with a native game this is the ID you will see in the native game too.

    Get Signed ASID Async

    A unique identifier for the player. This is the standard Facebook Application-Scoped ID which is used for all Graph API calls. If your game shares an AppID with a native game this is the ID you will see in the native game too.

    Can Subscribe Bot Async

    Checks if the current user can subscribe to the game's bot.

    Subscribe Bot Async

    Request that the player subscribe the bot associated to the game. The API will reject if the subscription fails - else, the player will subscribe the game bot.

  • Conditions

    Get Data Callback

    Called when the player get data promise has resolved.

    Set Data Callback

    Called when the player set data promise has resolved.

    Flush Data Callback

    Called when the player flush data promise has resolved.

    Get Connected Players Callback

    Called when the player get connected players promise has resolved.

    Get Signed Player Info Callback

    Called when the player get signed player info promise has resolved.

    Get ASID Callback

    Called when the player get ASID promise has resolved.

    Get Signed ASID Callback

    Called when the player get signed ASID promise has resolved.

    Can Subscribe Bot Callback

    Called when the player can subscribe bot promise has resolved.

    Subscribe Bot Callback

    Called when the player subscribe bot promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns the player's ID.


    Returns the player's name.


    Returns the player's photo.


    Returns whether or not this is the first time the player has played this game. 0 for false, 1 for true.


    Returns a JSON string with the player's saved data on the current platform.


    Returns a JSON string with an array of the player's connections that play this game.


    Returns a JSON string with the signed info for the player.


    Returns a JSON string with the ASID for the player.


    Returns a JSON string with the signed ASID for the player.


    Returns whether or not the player can subscribe to the game bot. 0 for false, 1 for true.

Session API

  • Actions

    Get Entry Point Async

    Gets the entry point of where the game started from.

    Set Session Data {0}

    Sets the data for this session. This is not persistent and is only used to populate webhook events.

    Switch Game Async {0}

    Switches to a different game.

    Gameplay Start

    Tracks the start of a gameplay session, including resuming play after a break.

    Gameplay Stop

    Tracks the end of a gameplay session, including pausing play or opening a menu.

    Happy Time

    It makes the website celebrate

  • Conditions

    Get Entry Point Callback

    Called when the session get entry point promise has resolved.

    On Orientation Change Callback

    Called when the session on orientation change event has triggered.

    Switch Game Callback

    Called when the session switch game promise has resolved.

    On Audio Status Change Callback

    Called when the session on audio status change event has triggered.

  • Expressions


    Returns a JSON string with the entry point data for the current session.


    Returns a string with the entry point for the current session.


    Returns a string with the player's locale.


    Returns a JSON string with the URL parameters attached to the game.


    Returns a string with the platform the game is being played on.


    Returns a string with the device the game is being played on.


    Returns a string with the orientation of the device the game is being played in.


    Returns a value of audio status.

Stats API

  • Actions

    Get Stats Async {0} {1}

    Gets the player's stats.

    Post Stats Async {0} {1} {2}

    Posts the player's stats.

  • Conditions

    Get Stats Callback

    Called when the stats get stats promise has resolved.

    Post Stats Callback

    Called when the stats post stats promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns a JSON string with the player's stats.

Tournament API

  • Actions

    Get Current Async

    Gets the tournament the player is currently in.

    Get All Async

    Gets a list of all tournaments the player is currently in.

    Post Score Async {0}

    Posts a score to the tournament.

    Create Async {0}

    Creates a tournament.

    Share Async {0}

    Shares a tournament to the player's friends. Will trigger a UI for the player to choose which friends to share with.

    Join Async {0}

    Joins a tournament.

  • Conditions

    Get Current Callback

    Called when the tournament get current promise has resolved.

    Get All Callback

    Called when the tournament get all promise has resolved.

    Post Score Callback

    Called when the tournament post score promise has resolved.

    Create Callback

    Called when the tournament create promise has resolved.

    Share Callback

    Called when the tournament share promise has resolved.

    Join Callback

    Called when the tournament join promise has resolved.

  • Expressions


    Returns a JSON string with the current tournament.


    Returns a JSON string with the tournaments returned from GetAllAsync.


    Returns a JSON string with the created tournament.

Wortal SDK API

  • Actions

    Show Interstitial {0} {1}

    Shows an interstitial ad.

    Show Rewarded {0}

    Shows a rewarded ad.

    Log Level Start {0}

    Logs the start of the level.

    Log Level End {0} {1}

    Logs the end of the level.

    Log Level Up {0}

    Logs the player achieving a level up.

    Log Score {0}

    Logs the player's score.

    Log Game Choice {0} {1}

    Logs a choice the player made in the game.

    Initialize Async

    Initializes the SDK.

    Start Game Async

    Starts the game.

    Set Loading Progress {0}

    Sets the current loading progress of the game.

    Perform Haptic Feedback Async

    Performs haptic feedback on the device.

    Get Supported APIs

    Gets a list of all the APIs supported on the current platform.

  • Conditions

    Initialize Callback

    Called when the SDK has been initialized.

    Start Game Callback

    Called when the game has started.

    Error Callback

    Called when an async SDK function has been rejected. Contains the error message thrown by the SDK.

    Pause Callback

    Called when the platform SDK has fired a pause event.

    Resume Callback

    Called when the platform SDK has fired a resume event.

    Haptic Feedback Callback

    Called when the haptic feedback event has been requested.

    Get Supported APIs Callback

    Called when the supported APIs have been returned.

    On Before Ad

    Called when an ad is returned. Pause the game here.

    On After Ad

    Called when the ad event is finished. Resume the game here.

    On Ad Dismissed

    Called when a rewarded ad was skipped. Do not reward the player.

    On Ad Viewed

    Called when a rewarded ad was watched fully. Reward the player here.

  • Expressions


    Returns whether or not the SDK has been initialized. 0 for false, 1 for true.


    Returns a JSON string with the error that was thrown last by the SDK.


    Returns a JSON string with a string array of all the supported APIs for the current platform.