Addon ID

  • skymen_BoundToViewport



  • Download count697 total downloads
  • Latest download count 18 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average



Bind an object to the viewport

Example Files

Simple implementation, coupled with bound to layout



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  • There is an issue with project loading when using this. For some reason, it "duplicated" and now it won't let me load anything.

    main.js:2987 [Project] Exception opening: Error: duplicate addon id 'skymen_BoundToViewport'

    at pna (main.js:635:179)

    at CCG.Tna (main.js:650:253)

    at async d.$lc (projectResources.js:2028:140)

    at async d.GIc (projectResources.js:2027:194)

    at async window.qAb.g4 (main.js:2982:472)

    at async e.Ewa (main.js:3076:43)

    at async window.C3_IsPopupWindow.self.XD.eQ (main.js:3058:303)

    EDIT: Issue solved. Turns out the old version was referenced in the json. Edited it and it's back to normal.

  • Thank you very much for this! How is this addon not a part of the core build is beyond me.

  • Found an error:

    instance.js Line 84:

    case Enable: should be case ENABLED:

  • How and why is this not part of the default behaviors in C3? THANK YOU!