Bind an object to the viewport
Simple implementation, coupled with bound to layout
There is an issue with project loading when using this. For some reason, it "duplicated" and now it won't let me load anything.
main.js:2987 [Project] Exception opening: Error: duplicate addon id 'skymen_BoundToViewport'
at pna (main.js:635:179)
at CCG.Tna (main.js:650:253)
at async d.$lc (projectResources.js:2028:140)
at async d.GIc (projectResources.js:2027:194)
at async window.qAb.g4 (main.js:2982:472)
at async e.Ewa (main.js:3076:43)
at async window.C3_IsPopupWindow.self.XD.eQ (main.js:3058:303)
EDIT: Issue solved. Turns out the old version was referenced in the json. Edited it and it's back to normal.
Thank you very much for this! How is this addon not a part of the core build is beyond me.
Found an error:
instance.js Line 84:
case Enable: should be case ENABLED:
Thanks, fixed
How and why is this not part of the default behaviors in C3? THANK YOU!