

  • Download count467 total downloads
  • Latest download count 467 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

get token

  • Actions

    get Token

    Get the current FCM token. Null if the token has not been allocated yet by the Firebase SDK.

  • Conditions

    On Get token

    success response

get id

  • Actions

    get Id

    Get the app instance ID (an constant ID which persists as long as the app is not uninstalled/reinstalled). Null if the ID has not been allocated yet by the Firebase SDK.

  • Conditions

    On Get id

    success response

on token refresh

  • Actions

    on Token Refresh

    Registers a handler to call when the FCM token changes. This is the best way to get the token as soon as it has been allocated. This will be called on the first run after app install when a token is first allocated. It may also be called again under other circumstances, e.g. if unregister() is called or Firebase allocates a new token for other reasons. You can use this callback to return the token to you server to keep the FCM token associated with a given user up-to-date.

  • Conditions

    On token refresh

    success response

get apns token

  • Actions

    get APNS Token

    iOS only. Get the APNS token allocated for this app install. Note that token will be null if it has not been allocated yet.

  • Conditions

    On Get apns token

    success response

on apns token received

  • Actions

    on Apns Token Received

    iOS only. Registers a handler to call when the APNS token is allocated. This will be called once when remote notifications permission has been granted by the user at runtime.

  • Conditions

    On apns token received

    success response

on message received

  • Actions

    on Message Received

    Registers a callback function to invoke when:

  • Conditions

    On message received

    success response


  • Actions

    grant Permission

    Grant permission to receive push notifications (will trigger prompt) and return hasPermission: true. iOS only (Android will always return true).

    has Permission

    Check permission to receive push notifications and return the result to a callback function as boolean. On iOS, returns true is runtime permission for remote notifications is granted and enabled in Settings. On Android, returns true if remote notifications are enabled.

  • Conditions

    On Grant permission

    success response

    On Has permission

    success response


  • Actions


    Unregisters from Firebase by deleting the current device token. Use this to stop receiving push notifications associated with the current token. e.g. call this when you logout user from your app. By default, a new token will be generated as soon as the old one is removed. To prevent a new token being generated, by sure to disable autoinit using

is auto init enabled

  • Actions

    is Auto Init Enabled

    Indicates whether autoinit is currently enabled. If so, new FCM tokens will be automatically generated.

  • Conditions

    On Is auto init enabled

    success response

set auto init enabled

  • Actions

    set Auto Init Enabled ({0}).

    Sets whether to autoinit new FCM tokens. By default, a new token will be generated as soon as the old one is removed.

  • Conditions

    On Set auto init enabled

    success response


  • Actions

    set Badge Number ({0}).

    iOS only. Set a number on the icon badge:

    get Badge Number ({0}).

    iOS only. Get icon badge number:

  • Conditions

    On Get badge number

    success response

clear all notifications

  • Actions

    clear All Notifications

    Clear all pending notifications from the drawer:


  • Expressions


    success or error event response


    Apns token response


    Fcm token response


    ID response