[ Supports C3 build ] Firebase Analytics + In-App Messaging, Check the documentation.
Release-1.4 CHECK https://prnt.sc/10piaqm [ BUG FIX ] error c3 build service MobileAdvert, error c3 build service IOS xcode.
Hello, I bought a plugin, cool! But I still can't figure it out.
You can make a block of events - the end of 1) the first level 2) Viewing interstitial ads, so that I would just take this code and insert it into my game and see these events on the site - firebase. I'm dumb and hard to figure out and I make mistakes all the time and nothing works, haha
To investigate your problem
give a little example of c3p.
Send to email cordova.c3addonzbs@gmail.com
all good
is the push notification option for subscribing to a topic working?
It doesn't work
I am trying to add an event action but where is no any popup with input where i can write a name of event. And in the result it just add an empty firebase action
This plugin stopped building packages on the C3 r268 version.
Thanks a lot for the plugin.
I get an error when exporting a project. Error in updates from c3 R263.
You can change the version of the project to R260 and export the project with the FIREBASE plugin.
P. S. Errors are possible as translated via Google Translate
Hi build fails everytime despite updating to the latest version
Hello, i have a issue in xCode, a missing file.
#import "Firebase.h"
Hi, I want to purchase full version. But I wonder if this addon can help me to make Local notification?
i will make another version for it.
hi, I can not build by c3 service when I use ver1.6 fix it please
Hi, I tried to publish on IOS, they say I have problems with App tracking transparency, have you got any solution for that? Thanks.
Hello, how can I hide google-services.json file from game files, because there are all information about database