
  • Deprecated addon Deprecated
  • License MIT License
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Added a 'mode' for the FunkyQuadZ. Set in editor.

Vertex mode (set all 4 vertices via set Quad Position Z, generally no other Actions have any effect.

Non vertex mode (beyond setting normal position and angle, also set 'Z', 'depth' 'Angle Pitch' 'Angle Roll' the behavior is more like a normal C3 object.)

This plugin creates a quad image (FunkyQuadZ/FQZ) that uses an additional Z component for depth of each vertex. In general, the texture/image is only rendered correctly if the vertices defining the quad form a rectangle (e.g. 90-degree angles for each corner.)

Since there is not a depth buffer, the FQZ will render along with other objects in the Z-order defined by C3. Sorting for correct rendering order based on depth can be done by changing Z order or changing layers. The 'camera' location can be controlled by controlling the Viewport (e.g. with ScrollTo.) This can be complicated, so generally, I would suggest doing light use of this plugin for backgrounds, 'floors', 'ceilings', etc. Unless you are a 3d wizard then have fun...

For now, just use one action in Vertex Mode (set property in editor, will also add an ACE for it later)

Set Quad Position w/ Z to {0},{1},{2} {3},{4},{5} {6},{7},{8} {9},{10},{11}

For non vertex mode: beyond setting normal position and angle, also set 'Z', 'depth' 'Angle Pitch' 'Angle Roll' the behavior is more like a normal C3 object. Set Quad Position w/ Z will not work in this mode.

If you create something interesting with it, please share it on the forums, or tag me in twitter ( @ kindeyegames.)