Addon ID

  • SkymenInputManager



  • Download count1,955 total downloads
  • Latest download count 13 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Set {0} to down

    Set an input to a down state

    Set {0} to up

    Set an input to an up state

  • Conditions

    On any input pressed

    Check if any input was last pressed

    On any input released

    Check if any input was last released

    Is {0} down

    Check if an input is down

    On {0} pressed

    Check if an input was last pressed

    On {0} released

    Check if an input was last released

  • Expressions


    Get the last input that was triggered


  • Actions

    Simulate {0} down event

    This only triggers a down event, but does not change the state of the input

    Simulate {0} up event

    This only triggers an up event, but does not change the state of the input