
  • Deprecated addon Deprecated
  • License MIT License
  • Copyright Mikal Dev. All rights reserved.


  • Download count894 total downloads
  • Latest download count 628 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average



Integrates face-api.js for face detection, landmarks.

Example Files

Example using webcam, works in preview, included weights in project files.

Add face points to video also.



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  • An updated version added, works in preview, see the example for changes required (weights now included in project files.)

  • Hi there! sorry but I'm unable open the project in latest Construct 3... Is it possible buy this plugin con latest version too? But the plugin exist for Construct 2 too? Thanks

    • Hi, this is all pretty old, so probably does not follow the latest updates to C3. I don't have plans on doing an update, since this was just an experiment for me. I am open to discuss a commission to update the plugin though if you that is interesting to you. Do note that this is very CPU/GPU intensive, it does not seem to work well on mobile, etc. Even on desktop you need a reasonable configuration for it to work well. If you need to contact me, you can connect with me on twitter:

  • Hi dveloper, any plans to update this plugin?

    • No plans at this time.

      • FIrst of all happy to get a reply from u. I am following this plugin from day 1 of upload. But sad to hear that it is not going to enhanced soon. Anyways thanks for taking the efforts to develop this and would request if u can develop it with seemless face tracking like spark ar..u can monetize it and it would be wonderful.

  • Have you got in your projects a Color Tracking? FOr example for tracking a red color point in webcam?

    Thanks again!

  • Incredible plugins! Great!

    Would it be possible to transmit the rotation of the dots to an object so that it can rotate with the movement of the head?

    And... please an other question.. Is it possible mirror horizontally the Webcam... so that if i move the head to the right side i can view move the head in the wecam view in the right side?

    Thanks again

    • Thank you.

      You would need to do those calculations yourself based on the face points.

      There is a Mirror effect in addons which should be able to flip the webcam, check it out.

  • I'm sure this is getting the kinks all worked out cuz it has some sick possibilities, but the c3p files weren't working for me, so I really don't know what I'm doing with it, but it sounds like others are having issues too. Anyway, I was hoping to use it as a sort of filter, to be able to sense face sizes and positions to place objects over faces, but I'm not sure how to get those values. Anyway, I'm excited to see where this plugin ends up!

    • Ok, try this, change the requested camera dimensions to 640,480, that worked for me. It's still pretty slow though, which is why I've somewhat held back from doing much more with it.

      Also, make sure you are using the 1.2.0 version of the plugin and 02 version of the example file.

      + GetCamera: On clicked

      -> UserMedia: Request camera source 0 (prefer Any at 640 x 480, include mic False source 0)

    • Let me check out the example files, they may need to be updated for later versions of C3.

  • I tried creating this link but dots are not mapped to the face.

    Can you please help me what is the problem? i'm using ur example file and changed only layout size 640x960 instead of 1280x720.

  • I think this comment will be useful for all of us. For example you can define different dots just for the eye or for the mouth. Let's do the creation like dot 1 for the eyes, let's say dot 2 for the nose.

  • Hello and congratulations. This is very useful to me. but I couldn't run it. I want to move the points that I have set to the face, face and eye points on a photo. Is it possible?

    • It works for me, but you need to use the beta version of the addon (listed above) and use the faceapiexample02.c3p example (listed above.) Try it in preview. A photo may be possible, but you would need to figure out how to get a uri that points to your photo and replace 'UserMedia.SnapshotURL' with your uri.

      • Hi! Thank you for your answer. I can run it now. But from export html5 mod and I run the browser 'chrome' I get the this error code "reference error: g_aAe not defined" thanks for reply.

  • any idea how to store value of any point in a global variable?

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