Addon ID

  • overboy_jsonb


  • License MIT License
  • Copyright icon Copyright Overboy, Federico Calchera. All rights reserved.


  • Download count7 total downloads
  • Latest download count 3 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

  • Actions

    {my}: Set {0} to {1}

    Set the value at a key in the JSON data.

    {my}: Set {0} to JSON {1}

    Set a value from a JSON string at a key.

    {my}: Delete key {0}

    Delete a key from the JSON data.

    {my}: Stop loop

    Stop the current loop.

  • Conditions

    {my}: Has key {0}

    Test if a key exists in the JSON data.

    {my}: Has key {0} in {1}

    Test if a key exists in the JSON data.

  • Expressions


    Returns an array of keys pairs


    Returns an array of key-value pairs


    Returns an array of keys pairs


    Returns an array of key-value pairs

  • Actions

    {my}: Log : {0}, Path: {1}

    Log as JS Object

    {my}: Parse JSON string {0}

    Parse a JSON string and load its contents in to the object.

    {my}: Set path to {0}

    Set the current path that relative paths refer to.

    {my}: Set {0} to array size {1}

    Set an array at a key, or resize an existing array if already present.

    {my}: Set {0} to new object

    Set an empty object at a key.

    {my}: Set {0} to null

    Set the special value 'null' at a key.

    {my}: Set {0} to {1}

    Set a true or false value at a key.

    {my}: Toggle boolean {0}

    Invert the value of a boolean field at a given key.

    Add {1} to {0}

    Add to the value of a numerical field at a given key.

    {my}: Subtract {1} from {0}

    Subtract from the value of a numerical field at a given key.

  • Conditions

    {my}: Key {0} type is {1}

    Test the type of a value in the JSON data.

    {my}: Key {0} value {1} {2}

    Compare the value at a key in the JSON data.

    {my}: Is {0}

    Test if a given value is the boolean value true

    {my}: On parse error

    Triggered when parsing a JSON string fails.

    {my}: For each entry in {0}

    Repeat the event for each key/value under a key in the JSON data.

    {my}: For each entry in {0} ordered by {2} ( {1} {3} )

    Repeat the event for each entry ordered by key/value

    {my}: For each entry in {0} ordered by mapping {1} ({2}) ({3})

    For each key at path ordered by mapping

    {my}: {0} is empty

    Test if a given value is empty

  • Expressions


    Return the current JSON data as a minimal string with no additional whitespace.


    Return the current JSON data as a formatted string with line breaks and indentation.


    Get a value from a key in the JSON data and return it as a formatted string with line breaks and indentation.


    Get a value from a key in the JSON data and return it as a minimal string with no additional whitespace.


    Get a value from keys in the JSON data.


    Get a value from keys in the JSON data.


    Get a value from a path in the JSON data.


    Get a value from keys in the JSON data.


    Get a value from a path in the JSON data.


    Get the last value from an array located at the key in the JSON data.


    Get the first value from an array located at the key in the JSON data.


    Get the type of a value at a key.


    Get the size of an array at a key.


    Get the currently set path.


    The current loopindex during a for each loop.


    The current key during a for each loop.


    The current value during a for each loop.


    The type of the current value during a for each loop.


    Turn arguments to path, each parameter is a key.


    Get a random key from the JSON data.


  • Actions

    {my}: Push {0} {2} to {1}

    Add a value to the front or back of an array located at the key in the JSON data.

    {my}: Insert {0} into {1} at {2}

    Modifies an array by inserting a value between existing elements

    {my}: Remove {0} values at {1} starting {2}

    Modifies an array by removing elements from a given location

    {my}: Pop {0} from {1}

    Remove a value to the front or back of an array located at the key in the JSON data.

    {my}: Shuffle array at {0}

    Shuffle items in array.

    {my}: Sort array at {0} ( {1} )

    Sort items in array.

    {my}: Map array {0} by mapping {1} with params {2}

    Map array by mapping Function.

    {my}: Sort array at {0} by mapping {1} with params {2} ( {3} )

    Sort array by mapping Function.

    {my}: Filter array {0} : key mapping {1} {3} {4} with params {2}

    Filter array by mapping Function.

_JSON : Sort

  • Actions

    {my}: Set mapping result to {0}

    Set mapping result. Used under callback "Condition:On mapping"

  • Conditions

    {my}: On mapping function {0}

    Triggered it to get mapping result.

    {my}: Param({0}) value {1} {2}.

    Self Function of the object which is identified by a unique name.

  • Expressions


    Get Key Full Path of mapping function. Used under callback "Condition:On mapping"


    Get Key of mapping function. Used under callback "Condition:On mapping"


    Get Key Value of mapping function. Used under callback "Condition:On mapping"


    Get Name of current mapping function. Used under callback "Condition:On mapping"


    Return the number of params available.


    Syntax: 'Object.SelfFunction.Param(Index)'. This will return the value of the parameter. 0 if null.