Addon ID

  • piranha305_boomerang



  • Download count272 total downloads
  • Latest download count 141 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Throw {my} at angle {0}

    Throw the boomerang at the given angle.

    Throw {my} to position ({0}, {1})

    Throw the boomerang to the given position.

    Throw {my} from object {1} at angle {0}

    Throw the boomerang from and object at the given angle. and alway return to the thrower object.

    Throw {my} to position ({0}, {1}) from object {2}

    Throw the boomerang to the given position from the given object. and alway return to the thrower object.

    Start {my} return (Wait for delay: {0})

    Trigger the boomerang to start returning.

  • Conditions

    Is {my} Thrown

    Check if the boomerang is currently thrown.

    Is {my} Returning

    Check if the boomerang is currently returning.

    Is {my} Delaying Return

    Check if the boomerang is currently delaying its return.

    {my} Has Return Object

    Check if the boomerang has a return object set.

    {my} On Solid Hit

    Triggered when the boomerang hits a solid object. Only triggered if check for solids is enabled.

    {my} On Start Return

    Triggered when the boomerang starts returns.

    {my} On Return Complete

    Triggered when the boomerang completes its return.

    {my} On Throw

    Triggered when the boomerang is thrown.

    {my} On Delay

    Triggered when the boomerang starts delaying its return.

    {my} Is Moving

    Check if the boomerang is currently moving.

    {my} Is Enabled

    Check if the boomerang is currently enabled.

  • Expressions


    Get the moving angle of the boomerang.


    Get the current speed of the boomerang.


    Get the current distance of the boomerang.


    Get the current time of the boomerang.


    Get the angle the boomerang was thrown at.


    Get the UID of the object that threw the boomerang.


    Get the X position of the last hit point. (available in OnSolidHit event)


    Get the Y position of the last hit point. (available in OnSolidHit event)


  • Actions

    Set {my} properties (Enabled: {0}, Return Mode: {1}, Acceleration: {2}, Max Speed: {3}, Distance: {4}, Time: {5}, Return Delay: {6}, Check For Solids: {7})

    Set the properties of the boomerang.

    Set {my} enabled to {0}

    Set whether the boomerang is enabled.

    Set {my} return mode to {0}

    Set the return mode of the boomerang.

    Set {my} acceleration to {0}

    Set the acceleration of the boomerang.

    Set {my} max speed to {0}

    Set the maximum speed of the boomerang.

    Set {my} max travel distance to {0}

    Set the distance the boomerang will travel before returning. used when return mode is set to distance.

    Set {my} max travel time to {0}

    Set the time the boomerang will travel before returning. used when return mode is set to time.

    Set {my} return delay to {0}

    Set the delay before the boomerang returns.

    Set {my} check for solids to {0}

    Set whether the boomerang will check for solids.