Addon ID

  • skymen_tiled_sprite



  • Download count465 total downloads
  • Latest download count 390 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    {my}: Set image offset X to {0}

    Set the X offset of the image within the object, in pixels.

    {my}: Set image offset Y to {0}

    Set the Y offset of the image within the object, in pixels.

    {my}: Set image scale X to {0}

    Set the X scale of the image within the object.

    {my}: Set image scale Y to {0}

    Set the Y scale of the image within the object.

    {my}: Set image angle to {0}

    Set the angle of the image within the object, in degrees.

    {my}: Load image from URL {0} (resize to {1}, cross-origin {2}))

    Load an image from a URL.

  • Expressions


    The X offset of the image within the object, in pixels.


    The Y offset of the image within the object, in pixels.


    The X scale of the image within the object.


    The Y scale of the image within the object.


    The angle of the image within the object, in degrees.

Tile randomization

  • Actions

    {my}: Set tile randomization enabled to {0}

    Set whether to enable random offsets and orientations for tiles to break up repetitive patterns.

    {my}: Set tile X random to {0}

    Set the amount of horizontal shift randomization.

    {my}: Set tile Y random to {0}

    Set the amount of vertical shift randomization.

    {my}: Set tile angle random to {0}

    Set the amount of rotation randomization.

    {my}: Set tile blend margin X to {0}

    Set the percentage of the tile width that fades to adjacent tiles.

    {my}: Set tile blend margin Y to {0}

    Set the percentage of the tile height that fades to adjacent tiles.

  • Conditions

    {my}: Is tile randomization enabled

    Whether random offsets and orientations for tiles are enabled.

  • Expressions


    Whether random offsets and orientations for tiles are enabled.


    The amount of horizontal shift randomization.


    The amount of vertical shift randomization.


    The amount of rotation randomization.


    The percentage of the tile width that fades to adjacent tiles.


    The percentage of the tile height that fades to adjacent tiles.