The best C3 drop shadow. Tweak color, saturation, distance, angle, opacity, brightness and blur!
Demonstrates the shadow's different properties [V.1.0 - No color]
Hi ! It doesn't support WebGPU.
i cannot open example because "Effect UltimateDropShadow (ultimatedropshadow) by Zane Little" missing. Of course Version 1.1 is installed and C3 is restarted
Doesn't seem to work (at least not anymore).
Demo says it's not a valid c3 file. If i make a new project the effect doesn't show under effects. If I attempt to create a sprite in the new project after trying to open yours, the editor crashes.
Hello. Is it possible to make it work with 3d?
This is the most perfect effect! Can it be made to support WebGPU?
Maybe! Depending on the complexity of it, I may just have to make a new plugin altogether for it.
Very cool ! but missing color :)
EDIT: I added color. Now the addon is perfect
Awesome !