Addon ID

  • piranha305_timesystem



  • Download count446 total downloads
  • Latest download count 357 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.



  • Actions

    Set Date to {1}/{0}/{2}

    Sets the date.

    Set Day Of Week to {0}

    Sets the day of week. (does not manipulate time)

    Go To Next Day

    Goes to the next day.

    Go To Next Month

    Goes to the next month.

    Go To Next Year

    Goes to the next year.

  • Conditions

    On Day

    Triggered every day.

    On Week

    Triggered every week.

    On Month

    Triggered every month.

    On Year

    Triggered every year.

    Date = {0}/{1}/{2}

    Check if the current date is the specified date.

    Day = {0}

    Check if the current day is the specified day.

    Day Of Week = {0}

    Check if the current day of the week is the specified day of the week.

    Month = {0}

    Check if the current month is the specified month.

  • Expressions


    The current day.


    The current week.


    The current month.


    The current year.


    The current day of the week.


    The current day of the week. (full-name)


    The current day of the week. (short name)


    The current month. (full-name)


    The current month. (short name)


    The current day in the year. (1-365)


  • Actions

    Set Time to {0} and {1} mintues, {2}

    Sets the time.

    Go To Next Hour

    Goes to the next hour.

  • Conditions

    On Tick

    Triggered every tick.

    On Minute

    Triggered every minute.

    On Hour

    Triggered every hour.

    On Noon

    Triggered when the time is noon.

    On Midnight

    Triggered when the time is midnight.

    Time = {0}:{1} {2}

    Check if the current time is the specified time.

    Hour = {0} {1}

    Check if the current hour is the specified hour.

  • Expressions


    The current tick.


    The current minute.


    The current hour.


    The current time in 24 hour format.


    The current time in 12 hour format.


  • Actions

    Set Date Time to {0}/{1}/{2} , {3} : {4}, {5}

    Sets the date and time.

    Add {0} minutes, {1} hours, {2} days, {3} months, {4} years

    Adds the specified amount of time to the current date and time.

  • Conditions

    On Date/Time Changed

    Triggered when any date/time value changes.

    Date/Time = {0}/{1}/{2} {3}:{4} {5}

    Check if the current date/time is the specified date/time.


  • Actions

    Start Time System

    Starts the time system, enabled ticking

    Stop Time System

    Stops the time system, disables ticking

    Set Tick Rate to {0}

    Sets the tick rate.

    Set {1} to {0}

    Sets the ticks per {x} duration.

    Set Auto Determine Day to {0}

    Sets the auto determine day. Determines the day based on the defined date, if false the current day will be caluclated from defined current day of week

    Load Json {0}

    Loads the json.

  • Conditions

    Is Ticking

    Check if the time system is enabled and is ticking.

  • Expressions


    The tick rate.


    The ticks per {x} duration.


    The time system as json.

Day Phase

  • Actions

    Go To Next {0} Day Phase

    Goes to the next day phase.

  • Conditions

    On Day Phase Change

    Triggered when the day phase changes.

    Day Phase = {0}

    Check if the current day phase is the specified phase.

    Is Day Time

    Check if the current day phase is day. [6:00am - 8:00pm]

    Is Night Time

    Check if the current day phase is night. [8:00pm - 6:00am]

  • Expressions


    The current day phase index. (0=dawn, 1=morning, 2=afternoon, 3=day, 4=dusk, 5=night, 6=late-night)


    The current day phase. (full-name)


  • Actions

    Go To Next Season

    Goes to the next season.

  • Conditions

    On Season Changed

    Triggered when the season changes.

    Season = {0}

    Check if the current season is the specified season.

  • Expressions


    The current season index. (0=spring, 1=summer, 2=fall, 3=winter)


    The current season name.

Solar Terms

  • Conditions

    On Solar Term Changed

    Triggered when the solar term changes.

    Solar Term = {0}

    Check if the current solar term is the specified solar term.

  • Expressions


    The current solar terms index (0-23).


    The current solar terms. (full-name)


    The current solar terms longitude. in degrees.


  • Actions

    Set Alarm {0} to {1}:{2} {3}, repeat={4}

    Sets the alarm. will trigger OnAlaram condition when time is reached.

    Remove Alarm {0}

    Removes the alarm.

    Set Date Trigger {0} to {2}/{1}/{3}

    Sets the date trigger. will trigger OnDateTrigger condition when date is reached.

    Remove Date Trigger {0}

    Removes the date trigger.

    Set Monthly Trigger {0} to {1} of every month

    Sets the monthly trigger. will trigger OnMonthlyTrigger condition when date is reached.

    Remove Monthly Trigger {0}

    Removes the monthly trigger.

    Set Yearly Trigger {0} to {1}/{2}

    Sets the yearly trigger. will trigger OnYearlyTrigger condition when date is reached.

    Remove Yearly Trigger {0}

    Removes the yearly trigger.

  • Conditions

    On Alarm {0}

    Triggered when the alarm is triggered.

    On Date Trigger {0}

    Triggered when the date trigger is triggered.

    On Monthly Trigger {0}

    Triggered when the monthly trigger is triggered.

    On Yearly Trigger {0}

    Triggered when the yearly trigger is triggered.