

  • Download count382 total downloads
  • Latest download count 314 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    {my}: Set Trajectory By Velocity (Velocity: {0}, Angle: {1}, Start Instantly: {2}, Stop On Soild: {3}, Set Movement Angle: {4})

    Calculate the trajectory based on the velocity and launch angle

    {my}: Set Trajectory to Target (X:{0}, Y:{1}, Time:{2} seconds, Start Instantly:{3}, Stop On Solid:{4}, Set Movement Angle:{5}, Stop On Target Reached:{6})

    Calculate the trajectory based on the target position and time

    {my}: Set Trajectory to Target (X:{0}, Y:{1}, Angle:{2} degrees, Start Instantly:{3}, Stop On Solid:{4}, Set Movement Angle:{5}, Stop On Target Reached:{6})

    Calculate the trajectory based on the target position and launch angle

    {my}: Start Trajectory

    Start moving along predefined the trajectory

    {my}: Stop Trajectory

    Stop moving along the trajectory

    {my}: Load From JSON {0}

    Load the trajectory data from a JSON string

  • Conditions

    {my}: On Hit Solid

    Triggered when the projectile hits a solid object

    {my}: On Start Moving Along Trajectory

    Triggered when the object starts moving along the trajectory

    {my}: Is Moving Along Trajectory

    ICheck if the object is moving along the trajectory

    {my}: For Each Step In Trajectory (Steps: {0}, Time: {1})

    Loop through each step in the trajectory

    {my}: On Target Reached

    Triggered when the object reaches the target position

  • Expressions


    Get the X position at a given time, in seconds


    Get the Y position at a given time, in seconds


    Get the current velocity X, in pixels per second


    Get the current velocity Y, in pixels per second


    Get the angle at a given time, in seconds


    Get the maximum height of the trajectory, in pixels


    Get the time step, in seconds, between each loop iteration


    Get the current X position, between each loop iteration


    Get the current Y position, between each loop iteration


    Get the current angle, in degrees, between each loop iteration


    Get the last trajectory's time, in seconds, if no time was set, returns -1


    Get the last trajectory's target X, if no target was set, returns -1


    Get the last trajectory's target Y, if no target was set, returns -1


    Get the last trajectory's velocity, in pixels per second


    Get the last trajectory's launch angle, in degrees


    Get the trajectory data as a JSON string


  • Actions

    {my}: Draw Trajectory using {0} with {2} Steps, on Layer {1} (Time {3}, Set Sprite Angle {4})

    Draw the trajectory using a Sprite

    {my}: Draw Trajectory using {0} with {3} Steps, on Layer {2} (End Sprite {1}, Time {4}, Set Sprite Angle {5})

    Draw the trajectory using a Sprite and an end cap Sprite

    {my}: Clear Drawn Trajectory

    Clear the drawn trajectory


  • Actions

    {my}: Set Enabled {0}

    Sets the behavior as enabled (if true, the object will move along the trajectory paths)

    {my}: Set Gravity Angle {0}

    Set the angle in which gravity force will be applied, in degrees

  • Conditions

    {my}: Is Enabled

    Check if the trajectory behavior is enabled


  • Actions

    {my}: Predict Trajectory Collision (Steps: {0}, Time: {1})

    Predict where a collision with a solid object will occur along the trajectory

  • Conditions

    {my}: On Predicted Collision Found

    Triggered when the 'Predict Trajectory Collision' action finds a collision with a solid object

    {my}: No Predicted Collision Found

    Triggerd when the 'Predict Trajectory Collision' action does not find a collision with a solid object

  • Expressions


    Get X position from Predicted Trajectory Collision


    Get Y position from Predicted Trajectory Collision