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  • Download count491 total downloads
  • Latest download count 491 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


Deprecated Addon

Use UnityAdsX Instead


The UnityAds plugin enables the integration of Unity Ads video ads into your construct 3 games or apps in a way that both increases player engagement and puts more money in your pocket over the gamer’s lifetime. Unity Ads offers the highest Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) of any global rewarded video ad network.


A couple of years ago, and after a great mistake, I got banned from Google AdsMob network. After appeals to the mercy of Google, explaining what happens... I remain banned for life. This put me on a very bad situation those days, with a very short list of good monetizing alternatives. This ends the day I learn about UnityAds

After the end of the UnityAds 1.x Api era, I have to move forward and Implement UnityAds 2.x on my projects. Implement it on the Unity Game Engine was a breeze, But then I didn't found any solutions to implement version 2.x on my html5, cordova, construct 2 or 3 projects. That my friends, makes this construct 3 (2 coming soon) plugin a reality. Oh well, it was basically, necessity! Hey its was also the perfect opportunity to learn about Construct plugin making in general. If this description and the cordova plugin referenced here looks similar, its because I became a little bit lazy!


Platforms supported:

  • iOS
  • Android

Ad Types:

  • Non Rewarded Video
  • Rewarded Video


  1. Go and create a new account and project for the desire platform in UnityAds portal
  2. Insert the UnityAds Plugin in your project
  3. Fill the UnityAds properties with the info acquired on Step 1 and detailed next.


  • Android gameId
  • iOS gameId
  • Video PlacementId
  • Rewarded Video PlacementId
  • Test Mode: True by default for Your own protection. Remember to put it on false before your final build
  • Debug Mode


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