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A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Conditions

    {0} {1} function {2} ({...})

    Call JS function and compare its return value (does NOT store return value).

    {0} {1} [{2}] ({...})

    Call JS function behind the alias expression and compare its return value (does NOT store return value).

    {0} {1} value of {2} ({...})

    Compare completion value of JS code with optional parameters (does NOT store return value). This condition uses eval.

    {0} {1} {2} ({...})

    Compare expression value. If the expression is a function, compare its return value (does NOT store return value).


  • Actions

    Execute code: {0} ({...})

    Execute JS code with optional parameters and store returned completion value. This action uses eval (stores return value).

    Execute code: {0} ({1},{2},{3},{4},{5})

    Execute JS code with optional parameters and store returned completion value. This action uses eval (stores return value).

  • Conditions

    Value of {0} ({...}) {2} {3}

    Compare completion value of JS code with optional parameters (does NOT store return value). This condition uses eval.

    Value of {0} ({1},{2},{3},{4},{5}) {6} {7}

    Compare completion value of JS code with optional parameters (does NOT store return value). This condition uses eval.

  • Expressions


    Execute JS code with optional parameters and get its completion value right away (it will NOT store this value). This expression uses eval.


  • Actions

    Call function: {0} ({...})

    Call JS function with optional parameters and store its return value.

    Set {0} to {1}

    Set value.

    Call {0} ({...})

    Call a function with optional parameters (stores return value).

    Call {0} ({1},{2},{3},{4},{5})

    Call a function with optional parameters (stores return value).

  • Conditions

    Function {0} ({...}) {2} {3}

    Call JS function and compare its return value (does NOT store return value).

    Stored Return {0} {1}

    Compare last stored return value after actions.

    All scripts loaded

    Check if all scripts are loaded.

    {0} ({...}) {2} {3}

    Compare expression value. If the expression is a function, compare its return value (does NOT store return value).

    {0} ({1},{2},{3},{4},{5}) {6} {7}

    Compare expression value. If the expression is a function, compare its return value (does NOT store return value).

  • Expressions


    Get stored return value after actions


    Call JS function with optional parameters and get its return value right away (it will NOT store this value).


    Get expression value. If the expression is a function, get its return value (this value will NOT be stored).


  • Actions

    Init [{0}] with javascript {1}

    Init alias with javascript code.

    Set [{0}] to {1}

    Set value behind alias expression.

    Call [{0}] ({...})

    Call the function behind alias expression and store its return value.

  • Conditions

    [{0}] {1} {2}

    Compare the value behind the alias expression.

    [{0}] ({...}) {2} {3}

    Call JS function behind the alias expression and compare its return value (does NOT store return value).

  • Expressions


    Get alias value


    Call the function behind alias expression with optional parameters and get its return value right away (it will NOT store this value).