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State Machine is a great tool for managing the state of anything in your game.
State Machine is a flexible state manager for game development. The library makes it easy to create and manage the states of any gameplay element, with events to react when they change. It's perfect for games of all sizes, from indie to AAA.
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I don't know how I survived so long without state machines in Construct 3. This plugin is straightforward to use and makes a lot of things so much easier and especially faster to achieve.
Brilliant behaviour - works perfectly and well documented with a PDF doc and a capx example. State Machine is a real timesaver and decreases the complexity of games that require multiple states and transitions between states. Would recommend it to anyone!
FSMs or finite state machines open the mind and promote good coding practices. Try it.
It doesnt have a event if state = " " so your just using system comparing 2 variables and at that point whats the point of buying this. Just create your own