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Global plugin that allow for relatively easy and efficient implementation of an in-game inventory system
Ultimate Inventory System plugin for Construct 2 and Construct 3.
It’s a global plugin consisting of multiple Actions, Conditions and Expressions that allow for relatively easy and efficient implementation of an in-game inventory system with one-slotted items - both visual and data aspects. Note that it covers not only inventories itself, but the items too.
With UIS you can have multiple different bags and containers and plenty of items you define. Thanks to the plugin you will easily add, remove and move items between inventories available in your game - loot bags, treasure chests, player’s backpacks, hidden stashes, crate boxes, crafting panels, quickbars, equipment - all up to you.
With UIS you will easily feature most popular solutions such as:
If you ever attempted to create an inventory system in Construct then you probably don’t need an answer to that question ;-).
Speaking frankly - inventories in games are very popular, but coding it is a complex task that requires lots of time and effort. The Ultimate Inventory System is a ready to go logic with lots of native features requiring minimum coding.
Nevertheless, it’s a flexible tool with wide capabilities. It is suitable for both simple inventories and more complex systems.
Thanks to UIS you can focus on designing your gameplay rather than trying to figure out a code working “behind the stage”.
To learn how to use it, please check out the tutorial video.
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The support team helped me solve all of the issues I was having within minutes of me asking! Not only that but it was ultimately user error and I learned some new things along the way. Definitely worth the buy :)
thanks for the best construct inventory plugin, very user-friendly for beginers.
And also thanks Borys for helping to solve the problems with the plugin
I love your Inventory System and it‘s nearly perfect. One wish for the future or an update: I would like to see, there‘s a way to use objects that are bigger then one slot, like weapons, armors and other stuff in Diablo and similar games (I think you know what I mean).
Ich möchte mal eine Review auf deutsch schreiben, da ich mich selber immer freue, wenn ich mal eine Review auf deutsch lesen kann. Ich hoffe dies ist OK und verstößt nicht gegen die Richtlinien. Das Addon ist klasse! Es erfüllt alle meine Wünsche, die ich an ein Addon stelle. Super Support und extrem gute Features inklusive :) Einzig Tutorials wären noch zu erweitern, um das gesamte Potenzial dieses tollen Addons für Leien wie mich greifbarer zu machen.
Von mir also eine klaren Kaufempfehlung!!!
I am really satisfied with this plugin so far. Thank you very much ^^