Explore the WILD possibilities of 3-D collision in Construct 3 with this atmospheric vignette of an abstract zoo. Features include:
Multiple characters can move, jump, and collide with their environment in 3-D through clever use of the bullet behavior, solid collision tags, and an array of Z elevation values.
The "animals" have a "detailed" 3-D shape thanks to mesh distortion.
You can also shoot a laser that bounces off walls, floors, and ceilings. Because.
Rest assured, your laser is 100% non-toxic and will not harm the animals.
The included project file is cut down to be 90% free-edition friendly (I just used too many meshes) and fully commented to help you figure out the collision algorithm and hopefully implement something similar in your own games. Unfortunately, the laser and having multiple control schemes wouldn't fit in the free edition limits.
UPDATE: I have just discovered a bug in my laser code that causes the aim to drift as you look farther up and down. To fix this bug, you need to go into the laser code and add in "*cos(lastRefPhi)" in the right places in the code to set the variables TargetX, TargetY, IntX, and IntY.