zyblade's Forum Posts

  • Is it just me, or is the url button on quick reply a little buggy?

    I actually know, how to use it anyway. I just thought, there will pop up the little box also, where you can enter your description + link.

    edit: same with a few other buttons (bold, italic,..). Don't know, if it was allways like that.

  • How about that?


    Set the global var "distance" to the distance, you want the enemy keep away from the player.

  • Great!

    Thank you shadow.

  • Well, my first attempt:


    Using sine behavior on the sprite.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    edit: updated to 2 balls flying around :P

  • You really should tell us, why you need to change the z-index. We can't help you without that info.

    Do you try to put the sprites in the right order along the y-axis?

    Then do, what arima says here:


  • Hi,

    I found a nice plasma effect .exe on this thread:

    It's the second last post. Someone uses deadeye's .cap on the first page and made an .exe. Can someone reproduce that? I already tried, but failed <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle"> . Didn't use it that often.

    Thank you.

  • Hey, I actually don't bump old threads, but even with a pm I couldn't find the answer, so here is my question:

    The picture from Shady is made with heightmap plus?

    So where to get that 3d-ish bumpmapping effect, David used to place the light behind objects? If it's already build in, what name is it?

    If someone has it, please upload it and sent me a link.

    Thank you

  • I like your game, just ran with 212kmh against a rock <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">


    My personal record <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle"> Just a few seconds after that screenie, the rock killed me xD.

  • Vielleicht sollte ich echt mal ne Deutsche Fansite machen :P. Wenn ihr wollt koennt ihr mir Eure Ideen(bilddatei) senden, wie das Ganze aussehen koennte/sollte. Darf man einfach so ne Fansite machen oder muss man das "anmelden"?


    Maybe I really should create a german Fanpage :P. If you want, you can sent me your ideas(.jpg), how the whole thing could/should look like. May I just create a fansite or do I have to announce that before?

  • Yep, same here, in "open topic" is a post, I tried to report and I got the error message also.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Es freut mich sehr, dass ich doch nicht der Einzige hier bin =D an was arbeitet ihr momentan so?


    Ich arbeite grade an einer Art action rpg. Kann mir irgendwie kaum vorstellen an einem Spiel zu arbeiten was keine Rollenspielelemente hat <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    I working on an(kinda)action-rpg. Can't imagine to work on a game which hasn't roleplay features <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Just what Tulamide said...


    Last Active

    1 year and 6 months ago

    I think he won't reply in the next time.

  • Well for someone who doesn't know how to use a capital letter after a full stop i dont think i will be first in line for your input anyway!

    Now you even dare to be rude against quazi <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ? I'm not really a long time in the forum, but as far as I know, quazi is one of the cleverest users here around, so your post sounds downright ridiculous.

  • What's wrong with a plugin? Construct has a keyboard object by nature. Mostly it's enough for the most common things.

    So no, you don't need extra plugins to use keyboard functions. Just for that few extra symbols. And if construct isn't adapted to your needs, feel free to use another software. But don't complain about things, you don't even fully tested.

    Sorry, but I just don't like it, when ppl don't appreciate good work...

  • Ich wohne in der N�he von Wolfsburg/Braunschweig. Hannover liegt auch nicht fern.

    ps:Ich hoffe ich werd nicht gesteinigt, weil das topic hier fast 3 Monate alt is^^