zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • try to cut the plugin and put them outside the folder and open it see if it freeze or not ... see the only reason blue screen comes up is a virus or you have something broken on your pc , i had this problem when i had the battery broke as i remember like blue screen with alot of stuffs and then before i read them all it close in like 2-3seconds

  • jn2002dk yes even the paint is good i wish i have wacom , soon ill buy one its better than mouse XD

    also the 10x scale is such an good idea so maybe in future this could work on ipad3 or even newer one... also its easy to vector big images with illustrator even small but will need some touches to fix it.

  • yes i think you should download the latest version also reinstall and if there is error message post them here.

    also if you tried to put some files on construct2 maybe this cases that thing , put anything you want outside construct2 folder..

  • sqiddster wth?? 1000x1000 and scaled 10x smaller o.o i think in the game it looks like 100x100 ... so i should do that o.o i tought 2x will be good hehe so from now on 10x all images :P

  • put on start of layout ---> mouse hide

    every tick ---> set the icon on mouse.x ,mouse.y

    or there is a behavior for that but i don't know the link

  • hehehe i tough this is your question for the beginning , but i didn't want to answer for that.

    ok , for real in my country there is no rules to use internet you can put cracks blabla all these stuffs, in this year they put the copyright rule but i hope they start working on it , good luck saudi arabia government.

  • ok i'm not sure have you got antivirus? if not maybe 90% its a virus or spyware or anything else...if you have antivirus and its clean i'm sure that your pc can't handle the game maybe alot of graphics with high resolution and alot of sounds... also try to use google chrome its faster and less lag than other browsers. cough cough last but not least format your pc will be a good idea but takes everything important out of it or put them in a cloud like box.com or dropbox.com

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  • put empty comment , also you can right-click on gruop and put sub-event it will be a normal event but inside the gruop so right-click is best way.

    if you really confuse and don't like gruops (like me :P )just make an event sheet name it what you wanted to name your gruop , put a comment of what this sheet do, and include that sheet to the other sheets.

  • sqiddster hmm what is the about resolution you put it 72 ?? also if you draw in photoshop do you draw big picture and then resize it with photoshop or contruct2 or you just do small picture like for example your octopus you draw it with 40x40 or something like that??

    about me i used to use illustrator but now i have tried photoshop and illustrator , illustrator can vector the bitmap pictures so i can use the picture as much as i want but sometimes i forget to do that XD so that why i get some pixels picture :P

  • you can make many layouts on 1 eventsheet

    and you can make many eventsheets on 1 layout (including sheets)

    and you can have many eventsheets on many layout.

    ok there is another way is copy paste but you will use alot of events o.o

  • ok as your natural you gonna ask more and more :P just keep the good work ^^

    see about bullets time in the event that you made (mouse button clicked) put another condition (system compare two values) in this put this: bullet.count less than 2 or 3 or whatever you want so the player will shoot this 2 or 3 and when they destroy you will add more so put the behavior that if bullet outside it destroy so you can spawn more.

    or you can put this :

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67034121/scirra%20construct2/Capture%20%282%29.PNG" border="0" />

    about the shop i didn't understand what you mean but you can make a global variable for player health and when player collide with heart for example it will add 1 to global variable something like this.

  • hmm i think this easy but before i'd say anything check this out maybe you will like it : http://www.scirra.com/tutorials/37/beginners-guide-to-construct-2/page-1

    so the way is put solid behavior on walls, put 8 dircetion or platform on player. and on monster put bullet behavior and change properties to bounce (yes) in properties bar.. see this capx same what you want i think :P


  • hmm maybe you can use system every tick --> set angel to player

    but if the monsters are too fast make them destroy after some seconds or make them too slow and they move to player like zombies it will be cool

  • Kyatric "You don't need to put the logo" so i can use?? for me i want to support construct2 as sqiddster said : its awasome.

    you know i asked some of my country developers about construct2 about 20+ people most of them didn't hear about construct2 also one of them said :

    "html5 is new technology and i don't think construct2 will be the best program for it , new programs will appear and will be better" so i think he didn't see construct2 results, there are many good games made with it and construct2 keep going better and better not like the other programs like gamesalad they never update (also gamesalad lowered the price only when construct2 become better than it)

    also you didn't answer if we could change the logo or not like we put some of out character on the logo or make the logo looks like our charater or just effect it like this example :

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67034121/scirra%20construct2/w.png" border="0" />

    remember this is an example of many other examples.

  • today , i have a topic about the contruct2 logo ... as you know i'm new to construct2 and i have heard that construct2 wasn't html5 and html5 is new technology, so construct2 changed to html5 but the problem isn't in that the problem is that i have 2 logos that have construct2:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67034121/scirra%20construct2/Capture.PNG" border="0" /> <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67034121/scirra%20construct2/k.PNG" border="0" />

    so the problem in the logos when i see the 1st one it looks like an old logo so i tough this is the logo for old construct2 (classic or i don't know the name) and i can see it in the forum.

    and when i see the 2nd one its good and look more modern also Ashley made some tutorials about this logo (2nd one) and even the examples on download file there is some examples with this logo.

    so the question is which logo do we use? and is there an official logo for construct2 that we (should/must) put it in the beginning of the games?

    also if the logo is the 2nd will we get copyright if we changed some colors or not , (*i have found that youtube use same this logo as icon in android and youtube [setting icon] ) ???

    *the 2nd logo has many colors the most puplar is gray , green. so we able to change it to something else or not??

    *just to say my country doesn't care about copyright they put some rules this year but it's not already working yet but it will soon.

    thanks for reading

    by salem ^^