zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • Alienhead this can done with 1 condition only o.o

    in the same event (press spacebar)

    put another condition : system -> compare two value , then put first value bullet.count then = or < or anything then 2nd value 1 or 2 the bullets you want on the screen

  • here i fixed it:


    some stuffs i made to make it better:

    i changed the imagepoint1 from the ship, i made it on the place that the bullet should spawn.

    also put a behavior on the bullet if it outside the layout it destroy.

    also made the event of angle 270 or (-90 i think)..

  • the angle is the answer, for example make action set angel to 45 or 35 or to player.angle......

    also the condition what condition have you used?? like when space is pressed ? or on start of layout put the .capx and we will help you ^^ also check this tutorial it has some idea of bullets

  • hmm inside the construct2 re-open all your with the row you want also row them on the project bar , i think the first layout is the only useful layout because after it you can go to any layout you want...

  • you can upload the game as html5 game so your friends can play it in browser...

    the way to do that is :

    1)export your file as html5 project

    2)upload the file to your dropbox or any server you have

    3)copy the public link for :index file

    4) send the link to anyone to be sure try it in your browser if it worked then it will work with your friends ^^

  • i have 3 things to say :

    best game making program.

    friendly forum.

    need more video tutorials.

  • vtrix , aridale , thanks for your help ^^ i think some names and some variables will fix all that ^^

  • any idea??

  • how can i use the folder and sub-animations ???

    for example i have a sprite with 2 folders :

    -language1 (will be english)

    -language2 (will be arabic)

    each one of these language folder has some animation for example





    each animation has about 1-40 frames (for example).

    and on in the home page i have 2 flags (1sprite) : usa flag, ksa flag with a variable 1,2 so if i clicked the first one how can i let him use all sprites on language1?? what should i do?? and same on number2

  • i remember i saw some sprite in the forum some cars,clouds and other stuffs but my opinion using others design will not help you to improve, so try to do your own arts and keep growing it the best example you can see is mario see how they started and see how its now ^^

    use this is good for pixels http://makepixelart.com/free/#:) for me i never use pixels i don't know why the only game i liked and had pixels art is : Junk Jack on iphone/ipad all other games i didn't like it .

    for me i use photoshop , illustrator they are good on making none pixel arts :) photoshop can do pixel art but i don't like it :P

  • as i tried i have made 2sprite with same animation and one will shown when i click it will fade in and the other will be in the next layout with fade go off so between them there is 0.3 seconds that made a nice effect on changing layout ^^

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  • Kyatric hmmm i don't know if the project is heavy because its less than 2mb o.o also i'm using a sprites 40x40 until i finish the game then ill put the full sprite 400x400-4000x4000 i wish i don't get more loading....also i tried the project with another layout it do the same (2seconds) then it go to the 2nd layout also if i re-do that without refreshing the broswer it doesn't do that and it doesn't do that and it doesn't do in any other layout.


    the weird thing i was going to put an example here but when i tried it , it works fine seems the problem from the background when i changed it become faster o.o

  • hi all :)

    as we see in most of the games they have loading page between layouts how could we do that??? i have a capx that when i click go to next layout it takes about 2 seconds then it goes to that layout and when i re-do that without refreshing the browser it goes normally o.o so if there a way to make instead of 2seconds waiting a loading page shown and then go to level? also this loading will appear in any layout even if i restart the game..

    if someone need the capx i can do a similar one to see whats the problem ^^

  • hmm you want hold on ctrl or just one click??? because the game will looks weird when you click then wait 5seconds then create bullet but if its hold ctrl and create bullet every 5 seconds its much better i think

    the one you said is (one click )

  • what do you mean? explian more please.

    each layout = a level some people can make more levels in each layout but it will be hard and useless in the future