zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • nice game i liked everything except the keys it would be better if you use Z instead of shift and X instead of space also the mute you must put it at the beginning on the home layout.

    i couldn't play more than the 2nd level because i'm busy right now ^^

    can you tell us how many levels are there ?

  • how can i make when i click on blue square it makes the manu comes to the top of the layer and the all other manu comes to the button and when i re-click it , it goes back to normal order? see the capx


  • your welcome

  • do this :

    first of all put a variable on the goal object (text variable)


        condition : player collision with goal

        action: go to layout by name --> goal.textvariable

    and put the name of layout on each goal object for example on level1 you will write level2 and so on in all levels

  • ok i have tried it , the problem is that you have many chickens on the layout so you need for each or something like that

  • can you show us the demo or share the capx?

  • the people who use more than 7 they know how to use construct2...

    because who will do 4 layers while the free version support that? the layers that should be in all games it :

    layer1 = background

    layer2 = slow motion of cloud , stars,...

    layer3 = faster motion of some ground , some cloud...

    layer4 = effect behind main game

    layer5 = the main game

    layer6 = effect front of main game

    layer7 = the hidden stuffs to hide the player on it while on the game like entering a house.

    layer8 = a front (background i don't know what they call) but sometimes you can see it a blurry tree or rocks stuffs like that..

    layer9 = HUD

    layer10 = fade screen or loading between layouts




  • are you using 3rd party plugin or behaviors?

  • hmm not bad game but i feel the speed is too slow , also you must fix the vertical platform !! here is the way to fix it i hope you do it as soon as you read this post ^^


    (this file is lost from scirra forum but i have re-uploaded it, all copyrights go to the owner of this capx)

  • bWard i want it on a mask sprite for example i have a car colored (yellow) so when i pick one of them it will change the mask into the color i wanted . i have tried some ways and i found the best way is using 2 sprite objects :

    1= the mask and it has all the colors i want

    2= the small colors (same on the image above) and all of them has the same color on same frame then i change frames when i click on the colors

  • i wish ^^

  • i wish there disable and enable on scrollto , in the scrolling camera events has some stuffs that i couldn't fix it , for example if i made the game scroll only on x of the player.x it follows the player.x but when the player die it get bug... same on y . also i tried to put another object thats follow player but same bug comes...

    the bug is that the object or camera moves to the least point of layout.x then back to player (0)

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  • AkiraWong , same here ^^ but i didn't try 3d in games yet ^^ also the sounds i have no idea on them , my feeling on sounds is really weak o_o

  • nice graphics but the jump is really hard i couldn't do 2 jumps , try to use the normal jump from the platform behavior

  • i think sprite will do the job , also the physics will lower fps on the game