zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • check your objects animation and see collision polygon

  • i wish if there is a way to delete an account because i can't change my email because its used in another account and i don't want it ^^

  • will this help you ?

    (from Kiyoshi)


  • hmmm what about this :


         condition:system:compare two values -->>score variable >= 120

         action : system : create object : boss object at X,Y

  • aridale ,

    yes but there is alot of books of that kind of subject which one will be the most helpful for construct2 users?

    and should i read it all or just the part that i'm stick with it?

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  • dEspadas thanks for your help , i have a question in khan academy what should i learn? math? or what?? also which lessons should i study that has some math on shapes and these kind of stuffs.

    also someone told me to learn the basics of game design is that true? or it is completely different?

  • R0J0hound

    ok lets say i have 3 kind of enemies and i want them to with this order:

    -enemy1,(space = the enemy2 width),enemy2,(space = enemy3 width),enemy3

    -in math ways lets say enemy1.width = 20 and enemy2.width = 40 , enemy3.width = 60 so it will be like this :

    enemy1 then space = 40 then enemy2 then space = 60 then enemy3 so it will be a row with 3 enemies with this kind of stuffs .

    another example lets say i have a sprite 5x5 then i scaled to fit 1000x3000 and i want in the start of layout to have another sprite to have a position on every 50 in width so it will be a line with about 20 sprite... and so many other examples so how can i search them on google? because i never tried to search equations on google

  • Davioware

    yes i know its what it what it looks like.

    see the example has an equation looks like this :

    Sprite2.X - (Sprite2.Width/2) >= Sprite.X - (Sprite.Width / 2)

    so the question is why he didn't use this :

    Sprite2.X >= Sprite.X

    what's the differences? also is there something that can help me in some other equations?

    ...how can i keep exam examples if i don't know what i'm looking for? that why i'm asking if there is some common examples that i can try to check the differences.

  • is there a way to learn the math on the games or these stuffs couldn't be learned??? i'm talking about math of sprites , layouts , window , ... see this example made by Kyatric

    Example capx in the capx you will see something like that :

    Sprite2.X - (Sprite2.Width/2) ?? so what does this mean? and how did you know this kind of math ? are there some common Equation like that or they are uncountable? also if it uncountable ... is there a math book that can help us on that? i know this one of the weirdest thing you ever hear but in my country they doesn't focus in shapes on math only one term of shapes on secondary school with only basics like get square meters and so on..

    so please help me as you can ^^

    thanks for reading

  • what is the fps?

  • ok maybe this will help you :

    first of all put a boolean variable in your NPC

    and events will be like this :


       condition : NPC boolean = false

       action : set postion = self.x , self.y


       condition : NPC boolean = true

       action : set postion = player.x , player.y-20


    condition:system compare 2 values : distance(player.x,player.y,NPC.x,NPC.y) < 40

       action: NPC set boolean to true

  • i think this with array will be so easy but don't ask me how because i'm weak in arrays ^^

  • ok first of all there is more than safari broswer but all of them has the same performance because apple doesn't want any broswer better than safari. also try to use chrome there is a way to share the links from your laptop to your mobile without copying and dramas ^^

    2nd thing click in touch object and go to touch object property and see there is a way to make touch as a mouse so you can try your game in the browser in your laptop .

    about slow stuffs try to check these stuffs :




    also wait cocoonjs this engine is promising to do alot for us ^^

  • really nice game simple and easy , nice graphics , would be really cool if i play it on gameboy or ps vita ^^ maybe in the future ^_^

    about the beginning (in the intro) why you wrote my friend? write his name or his twitter so some people can translate words with him :)

    as i said in your game make x for run and z for jump will make the game more playable for arrow users . good luck and keep the great works

  • i didn't understand , if the images has the same size will be more faster than the images that has different sizes?