zildjian97's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Here's the final outcome. They still glitch-teleport when crowded.


    If you know how to fix this please tell me.

  • Okay nvm. I fixed it all now, Thanks for all the help!

  • That worked, but apparently they did overlap again. I dont know why this happens. I only have 2 sprites, one player one enemy. There are two instances of enemy and one player on my layout. player has 8direction behavior while enemy has only solid behavior. But they still overlap.

    Then, I tried putting 8behavior on the enemy. Amazingly, they worked. I can control my player using WASD and the monster follows me and they dont overlap. Only problem now is how to make the arrow keys null when pressed so they wont move. Here's a sample capx.


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  • I dont think there is an edit button here so i just made another comment.

    After a bit of testing:

    two instances of the same sprite (with solid behavior only) each controlled by different keys:

    solid does work between two instances. I use bullet behavior for my monsters so they always chase the player. Any ideas how I can mimic this behavior without using bullet behavior?

  • Haven't done this myself but if bullet behavior nullifies solid behaviour, you might want to consider a standard movement method and mimic the bullet behaviour in your events. If you just want them to go towards a straight line you can use linear algebra to set their positions.

    Bullet behavior seems to work together with solid only if between two different objects. They dont work between instances of the same object.

    Here is my capx, and the methods done by Yann to help me out. Got some problems though. I commented it inside. dl.dropbox.com/u/98441819/Construct/Zombieland/zombieland.capx

  • The Bullet behavior. What would you do if you're making a top down game?

  • Sorry man. Wont do again.

  • Anyone please?

  • Well they dont apparently. You can try it yourself. The player, treats the NPC as a solid object, because they are two different objects. But the NPC passes through another NPC. (they are instances of the same object)

  • Solid behavior works alright between different objects. But what about between instances of the same object? Is there a way to do this? I have spent months in figuring out a way. The bounce off objects option in the bullet behavior doesn't look good. They look glitchy in my opinion. Help please? I don't think capx files are needed here.

  • Okay here it is. Sorry it's my first time.https://dl.dropbox.com/u/98441819/Construct/test%20capx/collision.capx

  • Help please? Just imagine a player who is blocked by an immovable wall sprite with a solid behavior. Only difference is that the player is the monster and the wall is another monster and both are moving.

  • Hello, this is my first question but I have spent about half of a month tinkering with Construct.

    When you load up the demo file for the alien shooter thingy and test it, the enemies keep overlapping each other and the player also. I tried making them solids and it worked(I removed the destroy the player when colliding with monster part). Partially. The character collides with the enemies perfectly, bumping each other like real life. But the collision between aliens are not fixed. I tried the bounce option in the bullet behavior, but it doesn't look good. They keep glitching each other. What I want is for them to have the same collision between them just like when the player collides with the alien.

    Help please :)

  • Hi. I'm zildjian97 and currently living in the Philippines. Game development is not that common here, so my classmates are easily amazed whenever I create games. I know Java and Ruby through game modding. I know Flash and ActionScript before coming into game makers. I have tried StencylWorks, free version limits are few but found it a bit too crowded, tried Game Maker but it's very expensive and the free version is very limited, and finally Construct 2, found it very easy and flexible. HTML5 comes in the free version unlike other makers. I plan on buying the full version but right now I'm just pulling my fingers with Construct. I'm 15 years old but I don't think that's a limitation to me. Looking forward to making games with you guys!

  • 14 posts