zendorf's Forum Posts

  • The whole image editor/animation import workflow needs a massive makeover! I don't think it has been touched since I started using C2 (about a year and a half).

    Having all on those floating windows, when you go into image edit mode is horrible and it needs to be unified into one window, ideally dockable. You should be able to update an animation from an external source much more easily than the current way. At the moment you can't even multi select frames to delete them...instead I usually create a new animation to replace, import into this, then delete the old one...drives me nuts every time!

    For instance in After Effects, I can replace referenced frames at any time or replace the files that are referenced at the source, then refresh. If C2 really wants to step up to be more like a pro DCC app, then it needs to be able to externally reference assets, rather than "baking" it into the project structure...which , granted, does have its benefits (all being in one location and zipped into a capx). Choice is always a good thing!

    Animations should be able to be scrubbed through in the image editor and have a decent transport bar. As primitive as MMF is, it is miles ahead in this respect.

    Before anyone whinges that you don't need enhancements to the image editor, since they do it all in PS/Spriter etc, well so do I, but having more robust tools in here definitely would help with quick edits and prototyping. At the very least add a view grid option for pixel art, some more robust shape tools (circle, ellipse , square outline), transform manipulator for selection (scale, rotate) and some basic fx like blur/glow. Both GMS and MMF have better tools in this respect.

    And please fix that colour picker in the image editor, it is still glitchy on every machine I have tried, even though I filed a bug report on this a while ago. The colour picker used for picking background colours is far superior...not sure why it is not reused?

  • Yoyo just added this to the latest build of GMS. Would be cool to have in C2, but it it would be very performance heavy...wouldn't want to try it on mobile.

  • zenox98 Sure, it is not a high priority request. Just one of those little things that has been eating away at me ever since I started using the event sheets.

    I only post it on here as a valiant attempt at getting Ashley's attention, and hopefully getting it onto his (very long) feature to do list

  • Yes, but you shouldn't need to put in blank sub-events to just add comments where you need them. That is a very clunky way of doing it.

    I don't think anybody would argue that my mockup doesn't look cleaner and more readable...

  • Possibly hard to explain without a pic, so here is a quick mockup I did in Photoshop:

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  • Something that I have been wanting to see added for a while now, is the ability to add comments in between actions.

    Sometimes I may have 20 or so actions within one event, and having commenting blocks between some of these actions would make it SO much more readable. When I am writing code the old fashioned way, I tend to comment almost every line and I really miss being able to do it in C2. These action comments would have to be added via the standard "add action" dialogue, which is somewhat at odds with the C2 workflow, but it should work fine.

    Would also be great to have the option of changing the colours of individual comment blocks for further readability.

  • Yeah, it is a fun program, but I think I will stick to Krita/Mypaint for serious painting, as you don't really need true fluid dynamics to get that feel. Taron is a very talented guy though, and I remember his work from the 3d scene when he developed for Messiah/PMG.

    Crazily enough , he actually wrote Verve paint in BlitzMax basic, of all things!


  • You missed out one of the best, if no the best one. Aseprite, which is free and open source:


    I don't do a lot of pixel art, but when I do, I tend to use a combo of PyxelEdit and Aseprite. Aseprite is better for animations and Pyxeledit rocks hard for tiles/tilemaps.

    Can't really go wrong with these 2 and costs next to nothing....though it would good to give the Pyxeledit author what it is worth, which is definitely more than $9! Btw, don't let the beta tag fool you, as it has never crashed on me. It is missing a few tools, mainly shape tools which are sorely missing.

  • Hehe...to the OP...you must be new around here

  • IOS export is meant to be supported by the XDK at some stage, so that will be another option.

    ThunderZ , I only just found out that there is an Android version of Ejecta...please report your findings when you test it!

  • A great demo from Zak Parrish at GDC for anyone wondering what all the fuss is about. Very drool worthy!

  • Thanks russpuppy for the info. With regards to performance drops from ads, I guess I was referring to banner ads that are displayed ingame. Not sure if they effect performance or not?

    I was considering going the appwrapper route from a Crosswalk build, but I think I will wait it out until Intel have their ad support up and running. Doesn't seem too far off.

  • Saw this video posted over at ign of Nintendo demoing their web/html5 wii-u framework at GDC. Certainly not the most impressive demo, but very interesting to hear them discuss it publicly, considering all the hush hush about it. Bound to be interesting to some C2 users:


    and some screenshots with the last one being particularly interesting as it shows a html5 script window(sublime editor?) and the the framework interface side by side:


  • Thanks for the reply russpuppy. I was concerned that having ads would restrict performance, especially when HTML5 can already be difficult to get cosistent performance out of.

    I am new the whole ad supported game genre. In your experience, what sort of ads have the least performance impact on the game, and which type is the most lucrative...if you don't mind me asking?

  • Some great posts by Arima that I totally agree with! I can't help but think that Scirra would be best to hire an extra guy, get him to recode C2 with Haxe or asm.js output in mind, while Ashley continues to work on C2. Then by the time it is finished, release it as C3. Scirra makes a ton more money as people upgrade/buy...the community is happy and Construct is then future proof. I know that Haxe html5 output is still not finished, but eventually it will be and there are some impressive commercial games that have come out recently using this framework.

    Funnily enough I was reading the Unreal4 megathread over on the Unity forums, where people where arguing about the merits of visual programming and Blueprints. One user posted an interesting reply , praising the merits of C2 and how viable it was as a visual programming solution. But in the same breath he vowed to never use C2 again because the performance was so terrible. Like it or not, there is a lot of this sort of talk going around the web. C2 has this very love/hate vibe amongst users. Of course if your only intended output is HTML5 for the web then it is near perfect!