ZeldaVerde's Forum Posts

  • I'm not sure if I'm being dumb or something, but I think hierarchies may be bugged, cause I set an object as a child of other, so they can destroy together, and it works but, If I use save and then load, when the parent gets destroyed it will either destroy more instances of the child that are not it's child, or even not destroy it's child and only destroy other random ones. Any idea/is anyone else having this problem?

  • I solved it by using the timer property so everything that uses time pauses when the object's timescale is 0.

  • system timescale pauses waits, fors, and etc tho

  • Events are not paused when you set timescale to 0.

    The easiest solution is to add this condition to all such events:

    System Compare Two Values: timescale>0

    Isn't debug mode's pause just setting timescale to 0? I'm pretty sure it pauses wait actions, for loops, etc.

  • Yeah but, as I said, this would only stop the events and later start them over. I want to pause and resume them for if I'm running a loop, for example, I want it to continue from where it was.

  • For my game I've created a family for objects I want to set the timescale to 0 whenever the game is paused and such, because setting the project's time scale would also affect the pause menu. However, by doing this, events are also not paused, and some enemies' attacks are therefore not paused and the player can get damaged (making the player immune is not a solution because the enemies continuing to attack also means other problems that are not relevant to explain here). So, can I pause a specific set of events? Not stop and then restart them, but pause and then resume them.

  • After r331, some objects in my project that were set to initially visible are now not visible, and some that were set to not initially visible are now visible. I have no idea what to do. It shows correctly on the editor, and I can toggle initially visible on and off as much as I want in the editor, but when I playtest it will still be bugged. I have no idea how to reproduce this so I can't file a bug report, so I figured I'd make a post here and hope for help. Please?

    Edit: It was all about that new option for hierarchies to make children visible or invisible according to the parent.

  • Thank you! Would be a very nice feature tho. It could check for properties of the object as they were initially on the layout or for what they'll be if recreated and recreate them or not based on this. Thanks again!

  • Problem here is not the properties, my man. I can just use templates for those and have them ready at layout view. The discussion is about finding a way to not respawn the boss after it is killed but keep al other enemies respawning. I have a family for objects that should act like that, but as a boss can be the same object as a normal enemy, just different instances, as before mentioned, I can't simply remove it from the family.

  • No. Imagine room A has no enemies, room B has 2 mice enemies, room C has a bat boss enemy, and room D has 2 of the same bat enemy which are different instances of the same object as the boss, which now that the player is better and has more abilities are therefore as easy as a normal enemy was at the beginning of the game. Player starts at room A, and all enemies are destroyed instantly. Player then moves to room B. The game destroys every enemy and recreates the mice for room B. The player kills one of the mice then returns to room A. All enemies are destroyed again and the game tries recreating the enemies for room A, but there are none, so nothing happens. Player returns to room B, all enemies are destroyed, and room B`s 2 mice are recreated (no matter if the player killed them). Player proceeds to room C. Every enemy is destroyed, the boss bat is recreated, and the room is sealed. The player then defeats the boss and the room is unsealed. Player proceeds to room D. All enemies are destroyed and room D`s bats are recreated, one of which is killed by the player. Player goes back to room C. All enemies are destroyed and the boss is not recreated (but if there were another enemies in the same room, they should have been). Player then goes back to room D. All enemies are destroyed and both bats in room D are recreated. That`s the behavior I`m looking for, but I don`t know how to tell regular bats apart from boss bats not to recreate them. Is it clear? To be honest, I solved this problem by making it so the boss only spawns when the player reaches it`s room, and by not placing it on the layout initially, so it isn`t recreated. That said, I still want to know if there is a way to recreate objects based on if they initially had a bool set to true or something, as this will probably still be of much use, or maybe by whether or not they would meet a condition after recreated. If not, in case the Construct gods are listening, a feature like this would be much appreciated.

  • My game is divided in rooms to which the camera scrolls when you enter them, just like 99% of metroidvanias. For this, I have invisible sprites that represent the limits of a room for detecting where the player is and where the camera should be. Every time the player switches rooms, I destroy every enemy and recreate those from the room the player is now in using the coordinates of said sprite. And that's why it's not that easy to implement a solution like that.

  • Thanks! That explains the inconsistencies.

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  • I know I can select an area, but I did it in an automatic way that can't easily accept an exception. What makes me feel it's bad practice is that I'm uselessly creating and immediately destroying an object for lack of a better way to do it.

  • Then maybe just

    On created

    Is not IsRespawnInfinitely -----> Destroy

    But again, this feels like very bad practice. It sure would be nice if construct would add a way to only recreate objects that met a specific condition on their original properties. Do you think I'm maybe just too bothered with this "bad practice" thing?

  • Bro, by area I mean room. I don't have like, a forest area, an underwater area... all in one Layout, no. I'm just talking about rooms, the enemies should respawn when you enter a room again. I didn't mean to be mean to you when I said it felt like bad practice, I'm very thankful of your help actually, I really am.