Hey! Love your health behavior and how you presented it! (getting it soon)
I was wondering if it would be possible to make an Item+Inventory Behavior?
**Item Behavior assigned to object_1. Object_1 can now be picked up or dropped by player/enemy (or both).
- Can add particle effects to item
- Item can move around or have pathways that player has to follow and chase to get it
- Can change how it looks and could start another event (like picking up a gem and a boss appears or many smaller enemies)
- Item can be equipped by player/enemy (or both)
**Inventory Behavior assigned to player/object (chest, player/players, bags, etc). Player/Bag/object etc, item goes into one of these.
- Object with this behavior acts as the vessel to contain the item when it gets picked up and can be dropped from it (box, chest, player, bag, etc).
- Item can drop from Enemies or players if they get killed
- single or double click, press of button, or touch can equip the item, use it, activate, or drop.
- Can change how the inventory looks (a box shape with scroll features maybe, or anything you could think of)
- Game could be paused with a Yes/no option with the behavior (toggles everything off maybe when inventory opens up?)
- The amount of that item that can be stored in the same slot in the bag, etc
Not sure if this is how it would work, but I gave it some thought.. lol
Very hard to make an inventory and it takes a long time to make items pick up or drop etc. Still learning how to do it .
Thanks for the kind words. This behavior has evolved a lot thanks to the user feedback I'm getting, I'm quite proud of how it turned out to be.
You have some great ideas, thanks for sharing them. I will look into them as soon as possible.
Since this is the support thread for the Health behavior, let's continue this conversation by email (gameplaypassion gmail.com), feel free to send me any suggestion you have.